Bizzare Dialogue

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Butthurt Bushmaster
Recently as I've been playing Fire and Sword I've been getting some odd dialogue from Lords. I recently joined with the Kingdom of Sweden, and suddenly enemy lords and allied lords alike are commenting on very odd things. Allied and enemy Lords have called me a coward for abandoning my troops (I've never retreated), and allied Lords comment on how I showed them mercy by releasing them last time I fought them (I've never fought them). They then go on to comment how they're glad our nations are at peace again, despite the fact that we're allied with the same nation! I just thought that it was kind of funny.
The same thing happened to me, normally it seems to be lords I don't have good relations with that have said that, but lords I'm on good terms with have said that too.
As soon as you make war with a faction, regardless of any other circumstance, their lords will say that you have fled the field.

I've even had this happen during a game when I never HAD any troops.

It may be an honor thing?
Hmm... might be the lordly way to call names.

They can't tell "yo momma" jokes so they just say you fled like a coward.
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