Bans/Mutes/Warnings on FSE

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Windbusche said:
No, you haven't been, but your biased entirely off your relationship with the developers as you described it to me.

EDIT: Of course, not saying I'm not.

The state of that 'relationship' is caused by the reasons I just explained.
MaHuD said:
If that is true, then why is Evanovic still in the server-admin team and not banned? Why is Hekko not banned?

I don't know whether or not you're aware of the fact that Vince explicitly asked Evan to resign because he wasn't conforming with the conforming policy of the FSE (IF we would be discussing employment laws in Finland that behaviour would infact be illegal, just saying). The reason why neither of us have forcefully been dealt with is because we have not given you any rulebreaks to (mis)use against us, and as such it would be blatantly obvious what you are doing, which probably would send a lot of pro-FSE people and fence sitters into the wrong camp.

MaHuD said:
The rather honest truth here, is that the majority of the people that keep complaining are actually just flaming other regiments.
The majority of the people that get warned muted or banned on the forums is from the following regiments: 84e, 91st, 92nd + the non existent 15e

Who so happen to have an ongoing feud with each other and refuse to play line battles against the other!

Some of the reasons as why there is a feud stem back from over a year ago!
And one of the key people behind all of this is actually our forum hero Hekko.  :lol:
(Several others being Aldemar, Crackman, Tavington, Donald.)
I am no member of these regiments, so I do not know the fine details... but I do know that this is all quite ridiculous.

So you admit to not knowing the stuff yet you opt to libel a whole bunch of people... Yes, as a matter of fact I am heading a conspiracy that incorporates all these above people and we have secretly been working on destroying to community and FSE for ages...

The truth is that the people you mention with exception of the people who were in the 15e leadership, have behaved in a way causing members of theirs to resent them, leave and troll them. The 15e never had problems with ex-members wanting to troll us, infact, the most high-profile people that left the 15e were still some of my best friends in the NW community. Infact, the whole thing is not that dissimilar to what the FSE are doing, maybe you should swap me with Vince on the list? :wink:

The rest of your post is nonsensical speculation or truisms so I won't really bother addressing it point for point. However, I will say that there are legitimate bans handed out by the FSE moderators, nevertheless, you severly underestimate the number of illegitmate bans. People like Sid and Tavington could have been banned ages ago, however, they were banned with nonsense* reasons with a tactical agenda (stopping Tav from getting community rep for instance). Other people simply pissed off Vince and he made sure to hurt them with any means possible, including admin tools, such as USE or Hatake (in his earlier ban atleast).

*You (the FSE forum moderation) represent the rules on the forum, so you need to follow your own rules to the T to have any legitimacy, otherwise you're just a bunch of jumped up trolls with the admin toolbar to aid in the trolling. Mistakes happen of course, but the frequency and the unwillingness to rectify them sort of indicates that the real mistake is getting called out on the inconsistancies rather actually misbehaving in the first place.

Vicccard said:
Vince gave the 84e the admin password, and he had no problem with every 84er being an admin without consultation. This trend continued into the 15e, 91st and 92nd. Then suddenly he doesn't like those guys anymore and refuses to give any (ex)-member of these regiments an adminship, even though some applied like any other. That's kinda of a selfish move. It gets even worse if you know he still listens to them like a puppy.

I am aware of the community Dictatorship ruled by these three (or four) regiments, but Vincenzo carries part of the blame that these things even came to be.

Duuring, you're rather misinformed. I believe only three members gained admin while in the 84e: Bunny, Ward and CrackMan, Bunny has had no part in regiments for ages so you can discount him and you only have Ward and CrackMan left. Only two people ever gained admin while in the 15e: Hekko and Modig. No one has gained admin while in the 91st. People in the 92nd got it like candy though to my knowledge.

The problem wasn't really that people in these regiments gained admin though as long as they were competent, the real problem was the hypocricy of denying competent individuals admin on basis of their affiliation with an inexistant group, while he at the same time handed it out like candy to some other groups, not to mention his own friends, who he was more than happy to cover for when they abused admin.

So as you can see, three of these regiments didn't really run the community through a special relationship with Vince.
Oh great this again. How many flame wars do we need before the community is completely burned down?

Maybe we should just get over ourselfs and carry on. A lot of people are just repeating themselfs and the most likely will do so in the next tread. And tbh it seems to be a trend to claim that fse did you wrong, which might be so, but repeating yourself over and over again is not helping your case.

If i would devide the community into "loyalists" and "rebels", i would have friends on both sides. That alone is for me a reason not to choose a side in the matter. Why would i want to have MY community destroyed because the NW community has issues? To me that sounds like a stupid idea.

And maybe you think what i say is bull**** and unrealistic, well thats your right and feel free to use it. I personally would just like to see everyone move on and play the damn game, or another game if you so desire.
Affjoris said:
Oh great this again. How many flame wars do we need before the community is completely burned down?

Maybe we should just get over ourselfs and carry on. A lot of people are just repeating themselfs and the most likely will do so in the next tread. And tbh it seems to be a trend to claim that fse did you wrong, which might be so, but repeating yourself over and over again is not helping your case.

If i would devide the community into "loyalists" and "rebels", i would have friends on both sides. That alone is for me a reason not to choose a side in the matter. Why would i want to have MY community destroyed because the NW community has issues? To me that sounds like a stupid idea.

And maybe you think what i say is bull**** and unrealistic, well thats your right and feel free to use it. I personally would just like to see everyone move on and play the damn game, or another game if you so desire.
I think the term, realists is more appropriate than rebels.

But yes, we all have friends on both sides.
James Stewart said:
Affjoris said:
Oh great this again. How many flame wars do we need before the community is completely burned down?

Maybe we should just get over ourselfs and carry on. A lot of people are just repeating themselfs and the most likely will do so in the next tread. And tbh it seems to be a trend to claim that fse did you wrong, which might be so, but repeating yourself over and over again is not helping your case.

If i would devide the community into "loyalists" and "rebels", i would have friends on both sides. That alone is for me a reason not to choose a side in the matter. Why would i want to have MY community destroyed because the NW community has issues? To me that sounds like a stupid idea.

And maybe you think what i say is bull**** and unrealistic, well thats your right and feel free to use it. I personally would just like to see everyone move on and play the damn game, or another game if you so desire.
I think the term, realists is more appropriate than rebels.

But yes, we all have friends on both sides.

Well i wanted to make it very black and white for the sake of my argument, but everyone has their own name for it. ( I personally like the terms nubs and nabs, but for some reason it hasnt been really spreading that much yet)
Affjoris said:
Oh great this again. How many flame wars do we need before the community is completely burned down?

Maybe we should just get over ourselfs and carry on. A lot of people are just repeating themselfs and the most likely will do so in the next tread. And tbh it seems to be a trend to claim that fse did you wrong, which might be so, but repeating yourself over and over again is not helping your case.

If i would devide the community into "loyalists" and "rebels", i would have friends on both sides. That alone is for me a reason not to choose a side in the matter. Why would i want to have MY community destroyed because the NW community has issues? To me that sounds like a stupid idea.

And maybe you think what i say is bull**** and unrealistic, well thats your right and feel free to use it. I personally would just like to see everyone move on and play the damn game, or another game if you so desire.

This needs to be sorted out if there's going to be a community in the future. We cant just ignore the problem. Shape up FSE
Well i believe this issue is still going on because everyone is too stubborn to say that they made mistakes. Most of the people who are stated in the OP where banned for rule breaking, not all of them , but most. Now there is the argument that the punishment was too harsh and they should be punished a bit less stern, but i dont see that argument going on in this tread. If we all would just sit around a table and talk about tye issues the community has i am sure we will figure somethingmout.mthisnis under the condition that both parties dont insult eachother and go into the conversation with the mindset to solve the problem, not with the mindset to crush the opposite side.

Also please stop with Na vs Eu argument, it will get you nowhere and only causes trouble. Lets not devide the community futher shall we? Or are we going to have rules that a dutchmen can only be in a dutch regiment, just because of his nationality? No, i think we can all agree that is an idiotic idea. But why are some of you trying to get this rule applied on the community?
Not all of the FSE decisions have been great, but the everyone banned seemed to have grouped up and decided to call it abuse. That's a problem. Those who currently speak out against FSE never seem to differensiate between the people who got banned. By instinct some of those assume the bans being bad, and they more often than not fail to concede the point when the ban is proved to be legitimate. Surely cronic name calling, trolling, duplicate accounts and racism don't make you a victim? I know that not all the bans have been clear cut, and I think the FSE could do a better job rationalizing their bans. Easy to argue why spamming "bydand" somehow isn't trolling, but surely it's about intent, and sometimes the intent is self-evident.

Btw, would be laughable calling this side of the fence realists. This is where the ideological and over-emotional members went. Realists will abide by the rules of the castle, and change the rules by being reasonable in discourse.
Vikestad said:
Easy to argue why spamming "bydand" somehow isn't trolling, but surely it's about intent, and sometimes the intent is self-evident.

So when Donald and the rest of the 92nd shout Bydand in the forum and on the servers they intent to troll but they are not considered to be trolling at the same time?


Vikestad said:
Not all of the FSE decisions have been great, but the everyone banned seemed to have grouped up and decided to call it abuse.

I have not been banned...why do you think only the ban people are the ones calling it abuse?
Megaberna said:
Vikestad said:
Easy to argue why spamming "bydand" somehow isn't trolling, but surely it's about intent, and sometimes the intent is self-evident.

So when Donald and the rest of the 92nd shout Bydand in the forum and on the servers they intent to troll but they are not considered to be trolling at the same time?


Vikestad said:
Not all of the FSE decisions have been great, but the everyone banned seemed to have grouped up and decided to call it abuse.

I have not been banned...why do you think only the ban people are the ones calling it abuse?

Your first point made no sense. Read again... As for your second point, I never said it was only the banned people calling it abuse. Read again...
This is ridicolous, but it was fun to read. If you have been banned have you ever thought that you perhaps deserved it? Or was it wrong to ban you because "you were special" fun fact: everyone spent as much money on the game as you guys and everyone is just as easy to ban. Go get in bed get a cup of mint tea watch emmerdale and relax. Then find a new game.


Megaberna said:
Vikestad said:
everyone banned seemed to have grouped up and decided to call it abuse.

Then what is this? Do you not know what you type? Do you have some sort of mental problem?

Classy. I still didn't say that there were only banned people calling it abuse. Way to miss my point completely. Surely, it's not my fault if you can't read.
Vikestad said:
Megaberna said:
Vikestad said:
everyone banned seemed to have grouped up and decided to call it abuse.

Then what is this? Do you not know what you type? Do you have some sort of mental problem?

Classy. I still didn't say that there were only banned people calling it abuse. Way to miss my point completely. Surely, it's not my fault if you can't read.

Hahahaha, I am really unsure whether you are trolling or not. However, a lot of your points I agree with, for I do not know how some of these people can say "WE DNT KNO Y WERE BANNED M8" but as you said, and I repeat "Some are murky others really are not" (I changed the words due to cba to find the original sentence).

In addition to this, I think that there are real cases of administrator abuse but this tends towards the more sophisticated individuals who really gave them no reason to ban and so they would have to result to murky, clouded and rather morally deficient ways to get rid of them.

An example of this would be my ban, as I do not care that I am banned but I do care about how they justify it. Which they cannot do and so haven't tried to do.

Deofuta is a bit of a blunder prone chap isn't he, as he is either very dull or he lacks common sense and tact to make himself seem less of a scoundrel. It is pretty much what I said to Blobmania, FSE arm people to complain and boy does Deofuta do this in a wholesale way.

You only have to look at his post on the first page to understand what I mean by this. :lol:

@the US community

NW is split into three communities if you say otherwise you are deluded to the player base split. I would never of known Sarge, Deofuta or any other of your big players existed if it wasn't for the forums. I would have been more than happy not knowing them as well and I am sure they feel the same.

Ping difference committed to this divide and judging by those on the US community, well, no one is at a lose are they? Not dealing with Sarge regularly is a blessing in disguise.

"Who said People should be afraid of their governments? Governments should be afraid of their people."
Pharaoh Llandy said:
Fortunately, TaleWorlds isn't a government, it's a dictatorship. Now, back on to whatever topic this thread is supposed to be, and less *****ing about individuals.

Yes but a good dictatorship. At least the rules are actually clearly laid out here, where as on FSE the "Gestapo" so to say hit you for whatever reason they can bring into being.
James Stewart said:
Pharaoh Llandy said:
Fortunately, TaleWorlds isn't a government, it's a dictatorship. Now, back on to whatever topic this thread is supposed to be, and less *****ing about individuals.

Yes but a good dictatorship. At least the rules are actually clearly laid out here, where as on FSE the "Gestapo" so to say hit you for whatever reason they can bring into being.

And tries to calm the masses by creating Community Representatives but instead it makes everyone rage ahah. And forbidden forum contests cause all the drama lol
James Stewart said:
At least the rules are actually clearly laid out here, where as on FSE the "Gestapo" so to say hit you for whatever reason they can bring into being.

A rather harsh analogy wouldn't you say?

I mean, you're going to have to describe any future military organization that drags hundreds of thousands of people out of their homes to their eventual imprisonment and/or death as a "Super-Duper Gestapo" or something. 

You're setting the phraseology bar pretty low.

Thundersnow said:
James Stewart said:
At least the rules are actually clearly laid out here, where as on FSE the "Gestapo" so to say hit you for whatever reason they can bring into being.

A rather harsh analogy wouldn't you say?

I mean, you're going to have to describe any future military organization that drags hundreds of thousands of people out of their homes to their eventual imprisonment and/or death as a "Super-Duper Gestapo" or something. 

You're setting the phraseology bar pretty low.

You are such an agitator.

Although the analogy obviously was not meant to be 'final', it does, however, point out the main points of the Gestapo and that was to silence those who disagreed - I am sure if we lived in a FSE run state we would have received knocks on the door.

As it goes, the analogy is not too harsh in the context it was aimed for, and it did meet it rather well.

I like to think of FSE moderators (not all, but some) as people who lacked power throughout their lives and once they gained it, well, they went about making it known. This is sad but how it unfortunately goes in the internet world.

Although some of the banned people would have got silenced for being simply thugs others were silenced due to Deofuta's personal dislike.
lolSid said:
I am sure if we lived in a FSE run state we would have received knocks on the door.

You're implying that if we ran a country you lived in, we'd have you killed. Right. Ok.

I guess I might. I'd think about it, anyway.  :wink:
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