Bannerlord's Jet Powered Caravans.... Please slow them down!

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Anyone else struggle to catch them? , when they move at 6.5 speed or more? They move normally until you start to chase them , and then its like they turbo-charge their cammels or somthing.

This isn't just me, right?
Anyone else struggle to catch them? , when they move at 6.5 speed or more? They move normally until you start to chase them , and then its like they turbo-charge their cammels or somthing.

This isn't just me, right?

They do indeed seem to gain a lot of speed the moment they spot you chasing them.
I think it's probably better they're as fast as they are considering how rewarding they are, keep in mind that your own caravans rely on that speed to not be waylayed (and that'd be 15k denars down the drain).

If you want to move faster you need horses (non-mule/sumpter) for every non-mounted unit in your party, a scout with higher scouting and a higher riding skill.
Anyone else struggle to catch them? , when they move at 6.5 speed or more? They move normally until you start to chase them , and then its like they turbo-charge their cammels or somthing.

This isn't just me, right?
Build a 50% or more cav composition party. Look at glorious 7+ speed. That's how they do it.
because they have more Cav units, if i wanted to chase any caravans i train and recruit more cav units or buy more horses for the footman to mount

Yeah that's a good tip.

I just find it unrealistic though - that they are able to move so fast. In reality, it would be slow but strong pack animals loaded up with lots of bags and heavy boxes of trade goods.
Yeah that's a good tip.

I just find it unrealistic though- that they are able to move so fast. In reality, it would be pack animals loaded up with bags and heavy boxes of trade goods.
They play by the same rules as you do. If you have a party of 50 people and 30 of them are cav. Then they can drive 30 extra horses without herd penalty. 30 pack horse is 30x200 = 6000 weight limit just from them. Plus 20 riding horses for footman is another 400 weight limit + cav is another 600.
Try doing your own caravans, I don't mean companion caravans but running your party as a caravan and you will go into these details when min/maxing load and speed.
They need to be fast or nobody would make money with caravans getting slaughtered by bandit parties constantly. The bandit parties scale with the player now so if caravans were slow they would fail miserably. However having all mounted troops/no prisoners will speed you up, even that one companion or troop without a horse will slow everyone down.
Caravans needs to be reworked so that you just assign a companion with some troops and tell them to go trade. The whole upfront cost thing, special dialogue interaction, etc. is so clunky and needs to be scrapped. That way if you want a fast caravan, just give your companion a bunch of cavalry.
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