In Progress Banner color combination issue: Not able to use 2 colors from the same palette for Flag and Sigil.

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Xbox Series S
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Summary:after you choose the background/flag color (pick red for example), when you click the button that swaps pallets, your background color changes to the other palette color. Basically i’m unable to choose a Red banner and black sigil as an independent clan, which is the color combination i want.
How to Reproduce: Xbox: As an independent clan, go to banner customization and try to make your flag red, and your sigil black, you’ll see what i mean
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The issue you have reported has been forwarded to our QA team for further investigation. We might need additional information regarding this issue, such as screenshots or videos, save files or dump reports. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
I think i’ve attached a video clip of my issue, please let me know if it’s there

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