Resolved Attacking besieging army to lift siege apparently resolves as siege battle with penalties to cavalry/archers

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Attacking an army sieging a castle from the map (not within the castle) to lift the siege, mousing over the "Send Troops" option gives the tool tip for a siege battle with cavalry/archers taking massive penalties to attack.

Hope it's only a UI thing, but in my current (started on 1.2) playthrough with the Khuzait, I've not seen an AI Khuzait army win such a battle, even with even or much larger armies, so get a bad feeling it's actually applying the penalties.

How to Reproduce:
As party on map, or as part of army on map, attack party/army besieging castle/town, select Send Troops.

Have you used cheats and if so which: No
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