Another ancalimon thread

Ancalimon should start another thread

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This is gold :lol:

I've read the Koran and don't recognise most of this, which you seem to extrapolate from it.
Could you give an example, like where does it mention a "3rd plane" (or any plane) and other planets? (The surah/chapter and ayat/verse)

Or the hybrids/aliens enslaving humans. Where is that mentioned?


The 3rd plane is not mentioned. But this "realm" is. Before that humans lived in heaven (meaning another planet ~ plane). There are seven skies (heavens). The sky is not where the birds live from the perspective of Quran. The seven heavens are completed in two relative days and the rules are declared to them. The lowest heaven (our one?) has stars and a defense system. All of these are according to Quran.. The commands keep being issued between these 7 heavens through a system of unseen strings. This means God is aware of everything and has power over everything (like a system admin).

About the hybrids.

Quran is a book sent to the race of satans and the race of humans. Lucifer is given permission from God to be partners with humans' dept (religion) and also have children from humans. When Lucifer makes Adam have sex with the forbidden race, God decides to end project Adam, but Adam repents. His repentance is accepted and as a result, he is punished to be sent down to our plane of existence.

After these the race of satans also descends.

The enslavement of humans is a tale that goes back to Atlantis times. When Noah built the ship using metal plates, he calleted the DNA of all living beings and a few of those who refused to be slaves of the satan race.

The ship was circular. It definitely was not a pyramid. But later this power source was used inside a pyramid. Much later, Moses stole this power source and was chased by the pharaoh and his slaves only to exterminated.

After many events, this power source was installed in a temple.People used to turn it on everyday wearing a dress that had many bells on it. There was rope tied to this dress so that if the people heard that the bells no longer rang, it meant that the person was dead and they used the rope to pull the body out.

You should take all translation and even comprehension of Quran with a grain of salt.

17:62 He said, "Shall I show You this one
whom You have preferred over me,
that if You respite me until the day of
Resurrection, I will destroy his
progeny, except for a few."
17:63 He said, "Go, and whoever follows you
from them. Hell shall be the reward to
you all, a reward well deserved."
17:64 "Mobilize whoever you can of them
with your voice, and mobilize all your
forces and men against them, and you
may share with them in their money
and children, and promise them." But
the devil promises nothing but deceit.
17:65 "As for My servants, you will have no
power over them." Your Lord suffices
as a Caretaker.

Ancalimon is actually an Islamic Posadist. He posits that any sufficiently advanced alien civilisation capable of light speed travel would have to be Muslim, because Christians would have a guilt complex over breaking the light barrier, Jews would gesticulate and complain and get nothing done, and atheists would spike each others drinks and die of a roofie overdose before ever getting to space

First of all one need to know something important. The author of Quran who claims to be the God, also claims that there is only one religion and that every single religion is a result of outside interference in order to make gains or make fun. It also claims that there were many "messengers" who did not channel a book. The author claims that Quran is a book that contains corrected information that were corrupted by hearsay on previous book which is Torah. The bible is another story because it is not the version written by Jesus but 4 different versions containing things not written by Jesus but heard by others.

So Quran claims to be an addendum to the previous books and you have to know by hearth what is right or wrong. Because these books have the power to corrupt the soul further and the opposite.

That's more what I'd lean toward it translating too as well, considering the Bible, and the surrounding context. Unfortunately he probably thinks this way directly because of Imams and Islamic Scholars translating it and telling him (and others) that's what the context means. As far as I'm aware, each instance talking about heaven was using the Arabic word "جَنّة" (janna) or its conjugated forms. So it most likely meant either sky (so it would mean birds etc) or paradise (Islamic heaven), where Allah's "malā'ikah" (angels) are supposed to live.

You need to take into account the very strong influence of Hebrew and Sumerian when you are trying to understand what a word means in Quran. Because Quran also warns about "them" (those that are open or hidden enemies of God) changing the meanings of words deliberately in order to hide the meanings in Quran. You need to work in a multidisciplinary way to understand some of the passages. Janna is "a garden". What could the people in Arabia think when they heard the word garden? It is a protected and covered place like a fortress but suitable for human life. But it is also related with Sumerian "gana" meaning "plantation, vinery". It is also possible that we are talking about a Matrix-like structure. The word melek means "dominant power". The root mlk is related with dominion.

Also when talking about the sky or "the heavens", different words are used. And that is for a reason because it is also mentioned in the book that the way certain sentences are constructed has a purpose.

By the way, religious clergy is disapproved by God in Quran. So there is no "imam" in Quran.

In Quran there is a character named Solomon who lived far ago had the power to control masons and divers. (The divers are astronauts). He had a special vehicle that could jump in space using a black flowing (may or may not be liquid) substance. Also Solomon was given leadership by God but he was very ashamed because of this. He wanted only God to be the lord.
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No. Heaven just means heaven, as in the Bible. Not other planets.
None of those Koran quotes give credit to these psychotic ramblings.
(For those not familiar, the "person" talking in the quotes is Iblis/Satan, and refers to Adam in the first quote (17:62))

I'm curious where the idea of a "circular" (Noah's) ark comes from. That is delightfully stupid :smile:
No. Heaven just means heaven, as in the Bible. Not other planets.
None of those Koran quotes give credit to these psychotic ramblings.
(For those not familiar, the "person" talking in the quotes is Iblis/Satan, and refers to Adam in the first quote (17:62))

I'm curious where the idea of a "circular" (Noah's) ark comes from. That is delightfully stupid :smile:

No :smile: Quran talks about seven different heavens with different rules. Our one (the lowest heaven) is the one with stars.
Also in the quotes, Lucifer (Iblis) is told to use "voice" to control humans. The book deliberately does not use the word "talk". It actually talks about frequencies. As in string theory. Lucifer is some kind of unholy hacker that hacks into the network between people and God.

And here are the depiction of plates used for building Noahs ark. Of course this engraving has false information. The ark was not a pyramid. Quran talks about these plates. Whoever made this, definitely had insider knowledge. But he might have been a follower of Lucifer.
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You need to take into account the very strong influence of Hebrew and Sumerian when you are trying to understand what a word means in Quran. Because Quran also warns about "them" (those that are open or hidden enemies of God) changing the meanings of words deliberately in order to hide the meanings in Quran. You need to work in a multidisciplinary way to understand some of the passages. Janna is "a garden". What could the people in Arabia think when they heard the word garden? It is a protected and covered place like a fortress but suitable for human life. But it is also related with Sumerian "gana" meaning "plantation, vinery". It is also possible that we are talking about a Matrix-like structure. The word melek means "dominant power". The root mlk is related with dominion.

Might you tell me the influence ancient Sumer plays on the al-qu'ran then? Because as far as I'm aware, we know very little linguistically about the antiquity language that is Sumerian. It is language isolate, meaning it has no genealogical connection to any other language (and trust me, linguists and other professionals have been trying for decades). So since we know no other language can connect to it ancestrally, we can only do massive amounts of guess work based on proximal languages and dialects, such as the dominant vernacular language that came after ancient Sumer, which was Akkadian. For example, Akkadian didn't contrast between [k] and [kʰ], so scribes would go with graphemes /ka/ and /ga/ (though /ga/ might be wrong), but Sumerians would be very consistent, which gives us the impress that they DID contrast the two phones.

And yes, janna quite literally defines as "garden", but it's context is made in reference to heaven. Would you mind going further with that? From where did you get or how did you come to the conclusion that the Sumerian word even connects to the Arabic word, and from where did you get that translation? The word 'gána' (?) did not mean plantation or vinery, it defined (again, as far as we know) as "a tract of land" or "field, or more simply, "a (flat) surface". It is an alternative form of "a-šag" (??) by the way, but they both define pretty much the same way.

For example, an excerpt from a tablet in Sumerian (Entemena of Lagaš):

me-silim lugal kiški-ke inim dištaran-na-ta eš gána be-ra ki-ba na bi-ru
Mesilim, king of Kiš, at the command of Ištaran, measured the field and set up a stele there.

Now let's look at the word جَنَّة "janna" (/d͡ʒ from Arabic. It's root word is ج ن ن (j-n-n), which basically just meant a form of protecting or covering, as it had been borrowed from Classical Syrian's "gannəṯā"*1. The Arabic word defines as "paradise", "garden" or "heaven" though.

Considering CS's "gannəṯā" though, it's root comes from "ܓ-ܢ-ܢ" (g-n-n). We can compare ??? (gannəṯā) with other languages like Arabic (janna) and Hebrew (ginnâ) though. We just know that the Sumerians were autochthonous, though the Ma'adan DO share a striking resemblance with the ancient Sumer culture....but they are genetically more similar to Babylonians and the ancient Assyrians (search up Dr. Joel J. Elias for more on that). We also know, linguistically, the Semitic languages all came come from Proto Afro-Asiatic. But again, we know we don't know anything about Sumerian's ancestry, so we know it's a language isolate for right now.

You might ask then, "what's with the words these Semitic languages share with Sumerian?". It's because the Sumerians lived VERY close with the Semitic peoples Akkadians (their language named exactly that too), and so had ENORMOUS influences on one another (like any language). It doesn't mean there's a definite connection in their linguistically ancestry, not at least without further evidence (which we lack!), but we can see similar stuff happening in completely different languages modern-day wise (such as Japanese culture adopting foreign words, often morphing it a bit). That's why a lot of scholars, linguists and the like do not like to distinguish between Sumerians, Akkadians and other ancient Semitic peoples living in Mesopotamian, but far prefer to speak of them as a "unified" bilingual, Mesopotamian culture.

Also when talking about the sky or "the heavens", different words are used. And that is for a reason because it is also mentioned in the book that the way certain sentences are constructed has a purpose.

You mean such as in al-ghāfir? The word is "samāʾ" (سَمَاء), but even that, the proper noun defines within religion as "heaven". You can't ignore the context of the qu'ranic verses.

By the way, religious clergy is disapproved by God in Quran. So there is no "imam" in Quran.

Someone better tell that to Ahlul-Bayt then (whom is mentioned directly in the al'quran numerous times), and the numerous times Muhammed (by order of Allah) made his own clergy (whom often wrote for him, including his child-bride Āʾisha), or the many times Imams are declared pure and among the "right to rule" by Allah. Do you care to prove that the al'quran does not speak of Imams?
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Might you tell me the influence ancient Sumer plays on the al-qu'ran then? Because as far as I'm aware, we know very little linguistically about the antiquity language that is Sumerian. It is language isolate, meaning it has no genealogical connection to any other language (and trust me, linguists and other professionals have been trying for decades). So since we know no other language can connect to it ancestrally, we can only do massive amounts of guess work based on proximal languages and dialects, such as the dominant vernacular language that came after ancient Sumer, which was Akkadian. For example, Akkadian didn't contrast between [k] and [kʰ], so scribes would go with graphemes /ka/ and /ga/ (though /ga/ might be wrong), but Sumerians would be very consistent, which gives us the impress that they DID contrast the two phones.

And yes, janna quite literally defines as "garden", but it's context is made in reference to heaven. Would you mind going further with that? From where did you get or how did you come to the conclusion that the Sumerian word even connects to the Arabic word, and from where did you get that translation? The word 'gána' (?) did not mean plantation or vinery, it defined (again, as far as we know) as "a tract of land" or "field, or more simply, "a (flat) surface". It is an alternative form of "a-šag" (??) by the way, but they both define pretty much the same way.

For example, an excerpt from a tablet in Sumerian (Entemena of Lagaš):

me-silim lugal kiški-ke inim dištaran-na-ta eš gána be-ra ki-ba na bi-ru
Mesilim, king of Kiš, at the command of Ištaran, measured the field and set up a stele there.

Now let's look at the word جَنَّة "janna" (/d͡ʒ from Arabic. It's root word is ج ن ن (j-n-n), which basically just meant a form of protecting or covering, as it had been borrowed from Classical Syrian's "gannəṯā"*1. The Arabic word defines as "paradise", "garden" or "heaven" though.

Considering CS's "gannəṯā" though, it's root comes from "ܓ-ܢ-ܢ" (g-n-n). We can compare ??? (gannəṯā) with other languages like Arabic (janna) and Hebrew (ginnâ) though. We just know that the Sumerians were autochthonous, though the Ma'adan DO share a striking resemblance with the ancient Sumer culture....but they are genetically more similar to Babylonians and the ancient Assyrians (search up Dr. Joel J. Elias for more on that). We also know, linguistically, the Semitic languages all came come from Proto Afro-Asiatic. But again, we know we don't know anything about Sumerian's ancestry, so we know it's a language isolate for right now.

You might ask then, "what's with the words these Semitic languages share with Sumerian?". It's because the Sumerians lived VERY close with the Semitic peoples Akkadians (their language named exactly that too), and so had ENORMOUS influences on one another (like any language). It doesn't mean there's a definite connection in their linguistically ancestry, not at least without further evidence (which we lack!), but we can see similar stuff happening in completely different languages modern-day wise (such as Japanese culture adopting foreign words, often morphing it a bit). That's why a lot of scholars, linguists and the like do not like to distinguish between Sumerians, Akkadians and other ancient Semitic peoples living in Mesopotamian, but far prefer to speak of them as a "unified" bilingual, Mesopotamian culture.

You mean such as in al-ghāfir? The word is "samāʾ" (سَمَاء), but even that, the proper noun defines within religion as "heaven". You can't ignore the context of the qu'ranic verses.

Someone better tell that to Ahlul-Bayt then (whom is mentioned directly in the al'quran numerous times), and the numerous times Muhammed (by order of Allah) made his own clergy (whom often wrote for him, including his child-bridge Āʾisha), or the many times Imams are declared pure and among the "right to rule" by Allah. Do you care to prove that the al'quran does not speak of Imams?
You should not mix Quran with history and hearsay. Quran claims to be the word of God while hadith claims to be the word of God hidden from Quran by Mohammad. Hadiths by notion must be heretic because their essence break every rule in Quran.These hadith were written generations after his death.
Having a loan word inside a language does not mean the languages are linguistically related. There are also a lot of foreign loanwords in Sumerian from Turkic but this of course is not enough to make these languages related.
2:47 O Children of Israel, remember My
blessings that I had blessed you with,
and that I had preferred you to all the
2:48 Beware of a day where no person can
avail another person, nor will any
intercession be accepted from it, nor will
any ransom be taken, nor will they have

9:31 They took their scholars and priests to be
lords besides God, and the Messiah son
of Mary, while they were only
commanded to serve One god, there is
no god but He, be He glorified for what
they set up.
9:32 They want to extinguish God's light with
their mouths, but God refuses such and
lets His light continue, even if the
ingrates hate it.
57:27 Then We sent in their tracks Our
messengers. We sent Jesus the son of
Mary, and We gave him the Injeel, and
We ordained in the hearts of his
followers kindness and compassion. But
they invented Monasticism which We
never decreed for them. They wanted to
please God, but they did not observe it
the way it should have been observed.
Consequently, We gave those who
acknowledged among them their
recompense, while many of them were

Also I especially pay attention to context. You should also pay attention to when a word is used. Heavens when talking about birds is one thing, heavens when talking about galaxies, stars, big bang and expanding universe is another thing.

All the mythologies around the world including the so called holy books definitely come from the same source. The names may be different, but the message they try to convey is very similar.
You should not mix Quran with history and hearsay. Quran claims to be the word of God while hadith claims to be the word of God hidden from Quran by Mohammad. Hadiths by notion must be heretic because their essence break every rule in Quran.These hadith were written generations after his death.
Having a loan word inside a language does not mean the languages are linguistically related. There are also a lot of foreign loanwords in Sumerian from Turkic but this of course is not enough to make these languages related.

Firstly, I didn't. I used linguistic and historic fact. Secondly, I also was not speaking of the ahadith, and I would have made it clear if I had. Everything I mentioned, was from the Qu'ran. Meaning, the word of Allah.

Also I especially pay attention to context. You should also pay attention to when a word is used. Heavens when talking about birds is one thing, heavens when talking about galaxies, stars, big bang and expanding universe is another thing.

I'm not seeing where these qu'ranic verses prove any of what you said. Also, what translation are you using for your qur'an?

All the mythologies around the world including the so called holy books definitely come from the same source. The names may be different, but the message they try to convey is very similar.

You mean, such as Eochaid Ollathir?
No :smile: Quran talks about seven different heavens with different rules. Our one (the lowest heaven) is the one with stars.
Also in the quotes, Lucifer (Iblis) is told to use "voice" to control humans. The book deliberately does not use the word "talk". It actually talks about frequencies. As in string theory. Lucifer is some kind of unholy hacker that hacks into the network between people and God.

And here are the depiction of plates used for building Noahs ark. Of course this engraving has false information. The ark was not a pyramid. Quran talks about these plates. Whoever made this, definitely had insider knowledge. But he might have been a follower of Lucifer.

What is your definition of frequency?
Can I get a quick ancalimon rundown on Slavs?
You didn't ask for this nor asked me, so here it is. Breakdown of the Balkans, featuring the "southies".
The Balkans:
A place where the Romans were fighting the Avars, only to later get themselves beaten up by the Avars and Slavs, and then the Slavs were beating up Celts and Avars, only to later get themselves beaten up by the Turks and Magyars, who were also fighting each other, so that later the Turks got completely beaten up, and to the Slavs it remained to fight the Magyars who were backed by the Austrians, who were backed by the Germans, who weren't satisfied with being beaten up just once, but came back for more beating, just so in the end, when they had no one else to fight with, the Slavs started fighting each other.
...true story
Can I get a quick ancalimon rundown on Slavs? Btw do you do haplogroups too?
I bet it's how they were Turkish but somehow inferior to Turks, and the proof is that some word sounds like some other word if you have hearing difficulties. Also, random craziness and mysterious sinister entities.
I know, but he has such a way with words...
You didn't ask for this nor asked me, so here it is. Breakdown of the Balkans, featuring the "southies".
The Balkans:
A place where the Romans were fighting the Avars, only to later get themselves beaten up by the Avars and Slavs, and then the Slavs were beating up Celts and Avars, only to later get themselves beaten up by the Turks and Magyars, who were also fighting each other, so that later the Turks got completely beaten up, and to the Slavs it remained to fight the Magyars who were backed by the Austrians, who were backed by the Germans, who weren't satisfied with being beaten up just once, but came back for more beating, just so in the end, when they had no one else to fight with, the Slavs started fighting each other.
...true story
Eyy, Vanya, brat, I'm going to colonize the Balkans. - You will regret it, Ratko, they will assimilate you.
All right. I will try to be elaborate about many of the details asked here.

In my opinion Quran is an ambiguous collection of data sent through the infinite number of strings connected to each other among different planes of existence. There is a special dna combination called the "prophets" who are directly connected to this server, and they keep trying their best to demodulate this broadcasting signal. The result is the old testament and later the Quran. I think this broadcast is ambiguous because it causes the client to demodulate the signal according to how he perceives the word. I also think there is a pattern to how languages evolve over time and this broadcast was calibrated according to how languages evolved and will evolve until the end of time, so the message is always up to date.

I also discovered these strings I had been talking about since years on this forum in Quran. Previously I thought they only existed in Turkic culture and I used this concept to try and decrypt words in different languages (see my previous posts about "things being hanged connected to Tengri", and about how certain words are related and why like saz (music), söz (word), ses (sound-voice) and oz~swastika (to tune oneself into universe and beyond), but later I found out about them in Quran and realised there also was a theory called string theory as well.

These "strings" are mentioned in Quran as the smallest things in the universe. Some revisionists tried to link them with atoms but the objects in question were not similar to how atoms were.

The words in question here are Fateel (فَتِيلاً) meaning wick and Nakiran نَقِيرًا meaning a single vibration of a string.

There are verses in which these words are used when trying to explain even the smallest thing a person does has an effect and it can be measured by God, so that one can receive a reward or a punishment as a result. (by the way Heaven and Hell are allegories in Quran but that is another subject).

Now when the prophet in question is unaware about how things work in the universe, and if they perceive the workings of the universe somehow, they will first try to make sense of it and use things that are not alien to him in order to explain things. These are all miracles for the prophet and metaphysical concepts for the masses. When things start to become clear, meta becomes proper science (according to our standards). Many scientists when trying to explain things, got help from metaphysics and when they solved the problems, meta became reality. Newton should be the first scientist that should come to your mind when he wrote that he got help from metaphysics when he was researching light spectrums.

The reformist translations of Quran have problems. The traditional translations of Quran have bigger problems because they use hadith as a reference to decide which meaning to give to word that has multiple meanings even when you take the context into consideration. Many do not even take the context of the chapters, sentences or the book as a whole into consideration when trying to figure out what certain words mean.

When you see a word meaning "miracle" in Quran, acknowledge what it talks about as "science".
When you see a word meaning "magic - trick" in Quran, acknowledge what it talks about as "pseudo-science or meta-xxx"

So. There are some important simple verses in Quran (meaning they are not ambiguous)

4:44 Did you not see those who have been
given a portion of the book? They
purchased straying, and they want you to
stray from the path.
4:45 God is fully aware of your enemies; and
God is enough as a supporter, and God
is enough as a victor.
4:46 From amongst the Jews there are those
who take the words out of context, and
they say, "We hear and disobey, and
listen but let not any listen, and shepherd
us," in a twisting of their tongues and as
a mockery of the system! Had they said,
"We hear and obey, and listen, and
watch over us," it would have been
better for them and more upright; but
God has cursed them for their rejection,
they do not acknowledge except very
4:47 O you who have received the book,
acknowledge what We have sent down
authenticating what is with you, before
We cast down faces and turn them on
their backs or curse them as the people
of the Sabbath were cursed. God's will is
always done.

The pure message of Quran is to reject serving other people or concepts except God. In essence this means rejecting centralized concepts except God.

Arabic word "din" means "debt-balance". It is translated to English as "religion" or "way of life". In Turkic it related with "tin" meaning "soul" and "denk" meaning "equal" and "*deng" meaning "balance". Tengri is also related with this. Tengri is the balance of the universe from our point of view. But we aren't even aware of other universes in our realm or even other realms. Tengri is the singularity. "dingil" means "axle" in Turkic. That's because every wheel (teker) (or the concept of chakra from Sanskrit) has Tengri in their center.

The philosophical concept of "nous" meaning "mind, intelligence, perception, intellect" is from the Turkic "on us" meaning "we are ten".
On: Ten
-us - -uz: first person plural suffix. They also linked this to Proto-Indo-European and later Nostratic claiming it.
"Us" also means mind, sense, reason. So On Us also means "The ten senses-reasons". Uslu means to be reasonable- to be balanced.

It can be seen as ideograms around the world depicting ten points inside a head or ten arrows coming out of a head or ten points inside a equal cross. The ideogram in question is this:

Also the letter (ideogram) for Turkic S sound is the AS - SA tamga from Orkhon script. It is a depiction of the Fateel (فَتِيلاً) I talked about above when I mentioned string theory. As means to connect, hang.
As you can see, this ideogram depicts the tiniest element of S being connected to Tengri.

Later this word became the suffix for converting a word about individual into a group of people like Oghuz (Oq Us), Ogur (Oq Ur).

During the alien attack on Tower of Babel, new languages were created and ON-US was divided into two. -ION -IAN vs -US -UR. There is no isolated language on Earth. All of them are connected.

So... Money

In Quran, Lucifer is given permission by God to become a partner to the debt-balance (religion) of humans. In Turkic this is the soul. Humans and Tengri (God ~ Allah) are partners of the soul humans have. Later money is invented by the clergy and police of these devils.
The concept we are looking at is "MENAT" from Quran. It is an idol worshipped by pagan Arabs. It is also an esoteric idol used by the global powers who are trying to realize the plan of Lucifer. Minotaur, Manhattan ("Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds".) and the currency called Manat are all related to this esoteric concept. It comes from the Turkic *beŋ - and *ad meaning "human bait". The concept of money is used by Lucifer in order to make humans partners in their debt (religion). If you have studied economics, you will understand how every single person in the word who are not part of a small club gets ****ed every second and do not even care because of learned helplessness or pure ignorance. Previously people were slaves and they knew their owners. Today they are still slaves but they now aren't even aware of their owners so they do not even have the urge to revolt against their masters. (also the word for "end of the word" "the resurrection day" in Quran actually means "to stand up" as in "stand up and fight" "wake up from you slumber")

In Arabic shirk is the only forbidden thing that leads human to eternal pain. It has the following etymology:
The word širk comes from the Arabic root Š-R-K (ش ر ك), with the general meaning of "to share".[9] In the context of the Quran, the particular sense of "sharing as an equal partner" is usually understood, so that polytheism means "attributing a partner to Allah". In the Quran, shirk and the related word mušrikūn (مشركون)—those who commit shirk and plot against Islam—often refer to the enemies of Islam (as in At-Tawbah verses 9:1–15).[10]: 9:1–15 

The word for "company" is an Arabic loanword in Turkish: Şirket.

See my previous two posts about Labyrinth to get yourselves more familiar with the Minotaur myth. Try to make connections with all the information I gave you.

Edit: Wow. It's hard to make enough sense of my previous posts. I hope I don't feel the same way for these posts in a few years. Sorry for assuming you guys are like me. You have all the right to make fun of me from time to time. It's just that I don't care about people making fun of of me. Not because I feel superior or narcissistic. Just because I know I can not always easily explain what I have in mind. I'm simply not good enough to direct people to see things from my point of view.

Yes. The seven heavens are the layers of souls being judged. So that's what you mean by planes of existence. Okay.

Or maybe... hear me out: it just means "speech".

If it was speech, a different word would have been used. Also, people even during the days Quran was being read to them were aware that "Satan" was not using speech in order to make people do wrong things. So... You hear me out instead ( :razz: ) =: it absolutely does not mean "speech". It is voice that can not be heard. We call them frequencies we can not measure. Thus they belong to metaphysics.

I'm not seeing where these qu'ranic verses prove any of what you said. Also, what translation are you using for your qur'an?

When Quran talks about living things on the ground, it talks about them as "dabbe". It means "walking-crawling living things". This includes all the animals and humans as well. When it talks about living things on the heavens, it also uses the word "dabbe". The winged creatures are another matter and are in other verses.

for example see 16:49 (Chapter Nahl). The trick and the logic is the find the logic behind language. If you don't follow the logic and get lost in a fallacy, you are destined to miss the context and think of the creatures in heavens as "birds". But when you have the necessary knowledge and also curiosity, you will find out about the word "dabbe" and learn that in most of the verses that talks about creatures in heavens, it uses the word "dabbe". So.. no none of the translations is enough. You need to seek more because things are deliberately hidden from you, or they are at the hands of incompetent ones. As a result of this, what you believe to be the reality of the situation regarding Quran, is the result of incompetency of some other person.

For some verses talking about aliens from other planets and/or dimensions, see also 42:29, 12:105, 24:45

12:105 How many a sign in the heavens and
the earth do they pass by, while they
are turning away from it.

This translation like many other has a problem. the word "pass by" is specifically "ala" ﭣ ﭤ meaning "pass through" as in "not near it" but "directly through it".

Also in 24:45, it talks about what "dabbe" are.
First of all when referring to them, it uses the pronoun مَن who which is used for people and not animals. For animals, مَا ma pronoun should have been used which is used for animals.
Secondly we know that there are dabbe on Earth and on Heavens.
Finally it categorizes the dabbe into three kinds. Those that walk on four, those that walk on two, and those that walk by crawling (not only crawl). So Quran mentions at least three kinds of aliens. Quran does not mention that these are all of them so it is possible that there are more kinds. Maybe even flying ones or swimming ones.

One must not dismiss something for any reason. There could be something hidden from him because of for example his prejudice. I have been through all of that.

This is gold :lol:
I've read the Koran and don't recognise most of this, which you seem to extrapolate from it.
Could you give an example, like where does it mention a "3rd plane" (or any plane) and other planets? (The surah/chapter and ayat/verse)

Or the hybrids/aliens enslaving humans. Where is that mentioned?

I forgot meanitioning verses about other planets.
The name of prophet Joseph whose name is also known as Israel is given to chapter 12. This chapter is one of those which starts with a code (special error correction codes found in Quran): "alif, lām, rā".

12:0 In the name of God, the Gracious, the
12:1 A1L30R200. These are the signs of the
clarifying book.*
12:2 We have sent it down an Arabic
Quran/recitation, perhaps you will
12:3 We relate to you the best stories
through what We have inspired to you
in this Quran; and before it you were of
those who were unaware.
An Adventure Starting with a Dream
12:4 When Joseph said to his father: "My
father, I have seen eleven planets and
the sun and the moon, I saw them
prostrating before me."*

The book right after mentioning that these three letters are miracles (science) of clarifying book, explains that you need to make us of Arabic language and its grammar in order to discover the true science behind these three letters.

The Egyptian Sun God Ra actually was a forgotten and corrupted version of father of prophet Joseph. There are 12 planets (he sees them in his dream. These are his brothers) mentioned in these verses (one of them being Joseph himself) and the sun (this is his father). There also should be a final 13th one which is planet x. We can not see it but we can calculate its existence because other planets are affected by it.
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Or maybe... hear me out: it just means "speech".

Here is the verse in which it talks about "Lucifer being allowed to use his "voice" in order to provoke (meaning make them do what it wishes them to do) human beings.
First of all we all know that Lucifer, if it exists, is yet to use his speech in order to control humans. So at face value, we can rule out that Lucifer has the ability to use "speech" in order to control us. The word in question logically can not be accepted as speech.

Let's have a look at the verse in question:

* And incite whoever you can among them with your voice and assault them with your horses and foot soldiers and become a partner in their wealth and their children and promise them." But Satan does not promise them except delusion.

We can see the word "biṣawtika" translated as "with your voice".

Another example where the same word is used:

* That Day, they [i.e., everyone] will follow [the call of] the Caller [with] no deviation therefrom, and [all] voices will be stilled before the Most Merciful, so you will not hear except a whisper [of footsteps].

The whisper in question could be something like "whitenoise". The voices in question certainly is not speech since the day that is being talked about is the day where universe is compacted into its initial figurative point with zero mass. There is no speech or foots left that could make a sound on that day.

Thus, the voice in question here can not be speech. This is the waveform beyond our dimension. The word in question can also mean many different things: "to ring", "to vote", "to resonate", "to vibrate". Anyone who believes that the devil speaks with humans using language is lying or deluded.
I'm having a hard time following any of this.
But you seem to weave in all sorts of modern sciences and ideas and discoveries (string theory, zero mass universe etc.).
Like there is an answer to everything.
Are there things that the Koran/religious text don't say anything about - or can't explain? E.g. cosmology, biology, zoology, electromagnetism etc.
Or is it all covered in religion?
I'm having a hard time following any of this.
But you seem to weave in all sorts of modern sciences and ideas and discoveries (string theory, zero mass universe etc.).
Like there is an answer to everything.
Are there things that the Koran/religious text don't say anything about - or can't explain? E.g. cosmology, biology, zoology, electromagnetism etc.
Or is it all covered in religion?
I was writing a long reply when I realized what temuzi wrote. He has a point. I think I am not good at explaining things clearly. That is a problem I have. People usually think that I seem to look past people when interacting as if I assume that they know and feel everything I know and feel. I take it for granted that they at least should feel like I do since all of us work in a similar way.

Sorry for confusing you and cutting everybody from what I think is important knowledge by the way I communicate.
Count Delinard told me to visit this forum because it apparently needs some love, and this thread was the first thing I saw.
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