OSP Animations Animations for the community - Shield bash animation released!

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Papa Lazarou said:
Just one?  :razz:

Dual wielding would require new mechanics. I can only animate. I started with the pike and shield animations because modders have already created mechanics for them.
When you say pike and shield, you mean like the macedonians used to fight in their phalanx formation?
Just incase, as somethimes my phrases don't make sense:
Papa Lazarou said:
Just one?  :razz:

Dual wielding would require new mechanics. I can only animate. I started with the pike and shield animations because modders have already created mechanics for them.
I have a dual wielding script from Ikaguia.You just make the anims for the community.
Code: (module_scripts) [Select]

#Ik-Dual Wield Begin
(gt, ":player_agent", 0),
(agent_get_animation, ":anim", ":player_agent",0),
(agent_get_horse, ":my_horse", ":player_agent"),
(agent_get_wielded_item, ":left_hand_item", ":player_agent", 1),
(agent_get_wielded_item, ":right_hand_item", ":player_agent", 2),
        (is_between, ":anim","anim_ready_swingright_fist","anim_parried_overswing_onehanded"),
(neq, ":anim", "anim_dual_wield_strike"),
(neq, ":anim", "anim_dual_wield_ready"),
# (neq, ":anim", ""), #put here the anims you dont want to use Dual Wield. Example: release_swingright_fist and release_swingright_fist_continue
# (neq, ":anim", ""),#put here the anims you dont want to use Dual Wield. Example: release_swingright_fist and release_swingright_fist_continue
# (neq, ":anim", ""),#put here the anims you dont want to use Dual Wield. Example: release_swingright_fist and release_swingright_fist_continue
# (neq, ":anim", ""),#put here the anims you dont want to use Dual Wield. Example: release_swingright_fist and release_swingright_fist_continue
#         ...
(eq, ":my_horse", -1),
(is_between, ":left_hand_item", dual_wield_begin, dual_wield_end),
        (assign, ":continue", 1)
            (eq, ":right_hand_item", "itm_bastard_sword")
            (eq, ":left_hand_item", "itm_dh_bastard_sword")
              (assign, ":continue", 0)
#      (else_try)
# (eq, ":right_hand_item", "itm_")      #put here the items you don't want to use in the right hand while the item bellow is equiped
# (neq, ":left_hand_item", "itm_dh_") #put here the items you don't want to use in the left hand while the item above is equiped
# (assign, ":continue", 0)
# (else_try)
# (eq, ":right_hand_item", "itm_")      #put here the items you don't want to use in the right hand while the item bellow is equiped
# (eq, ":left_hand_item", "itm_dh_") #put here the items you don't want to use in the left hand while the item above is equiped
# (assign, ":continue", 0)
# (else_try)
# (eq, ":right_hand_item", "itm_")      #put here the items you don't want to use in the right hand while the item bellow is equiped
# (eq, ":left_hand_item", "itm_dh_") #put here the items you don't want to use in the left hand while the item above is equiped
# (assign, ":continue", 0)
# ...
(eq, ":continue", 1)
(agent_set_animation, ":player_agent","anim_dual_wield_ready"),

(agent_get_animation, ":anim", ":player_agent",0),
(eq, ":anim", "anim_dual_wield_ready"),
(agent_get_position, pos63,":player_agent"),
(position_move_y,pos63,75), #75 cm directly ahead, so it's not a cuboid space around player center
(agent_get_troop_id, ":troop", ":player_agent"),
(troop_get_type, ":type", ":troop"),
(val_mod, ":type", 2),
(eq, ":type", tf_male),
(agent_play_sound, ":player_agent", "snd_man_yell"),
(agent_play_sound, ":player_agent", "snd_woman_yell"),
(gt, ":agent", 0),
(neg|agent_is_ally,":agent"),#don't atack allies
(agent_is_human, ":agent"),#stop if not human
(lt,":dist",100),#Set this to whatever you like- 1 meter radius clears a big section of crowd
(agent_get_horse, ":horse", ":agent"),
(eq, ":horse", -1),
(agent_deliver_damage_to_agent,":player_agent",":agent",0),#if it is less than or equal to 0 it uses weapon damage
(agent_play_sound, ":player_agent", "snd_metal_hit_low_armor_low_damage"),
(agent_set_position, ":agent", pos62),
#Ik-Dual Wield End

Code: (module_mission_templates (you obviously need to put it into specific mt's like other common_ scripts)) [Select]

common_dual_wield1 = (0,0,0,[(game_key_is_down, gk_attack),(game_key_is_down, gk_defend),(neg|main_hero_fallen),],
[(call_script, "script_ready_dual_wield")])
common_dual_wield2 = (0,0,0,[(game_key_is_down, gk_attack),(neg|game_key_is_down, gk_defend),(neg|game_key_clicked, gk_defend),(neg|main_hero_fallen),],
[(call_script, "script_dual_wield_strike")])
common_dual_wield3 = (0,0,0,[(game_key_is_down, gk_attack),(game_key_clicked, gk_defend),(neg|main_hero_fallen)],
[(call_script, "script_ready_dual_wield"),(call_script, "script_dual_wield_strike")])

Code: (module_animations (needs to do some and replace a free unused_human_anim of course)) [Select]

## dual_wield_ready
## dual_wield_strike

Code: (module_items) [Select]

add anywhere you want:
#Ik Dual Wielded Start
["dw_bastard_sword", "Bastard Sword", [("bastard_sword_a",0),("bastard_sword_a_scabbard", ixmesh_carry)], itp_type_shield|itp_merchandise, itcf_carry_sword_left_hip|itcf_show_holster_when_drawn,  264 , weight(2.0)|hit_points(7500)|body_armor(0)|spd_rtng(9:cool:|weapon_length(1),imodbits_none ],
["dw_dagger", "Dagger", [("practice_dagger",0)], itp_type_shield|itp_merchandise, itcf_carry_dagger_front_left,  34 , weight(0.5)|hit_points(7500)|body_armor(0)|spd_rtng(110)|weapon_length(1),imodbits_none ],
["dw_end", "Dual Wield End", [(0,0)], 0, 0,  0, 0, 0],
#Ik Dual Wielded End

Code: (module_constants) [Select]

#Ik Dual Wielded Start
dual_wield_begin = "itm_dw_bastard_sword"
dual_wield_end = "itm_dw_end"
#Ik Dual Wielded End
This may be a slightly strange request Papa  :roll:. Could you possibly, in you animation-ing greatness, make a forward roll animation? as i plan to use it in a mod :wink:

Beobart said:
I am sure that there was a modder who want to make exactly this. But he failed because he hasn´t any anis.
Well, I'd consider making a place-holder animation for duel-wielding, so that people who were interested could see it working in-game. But I'm not really interested enough to make all the animations that would be necessary.

Seek n Destroy said:
Papa Lazarou said:
Just one?  :razz:

Dual wielding would require new mechanics. I can only animate. I started with the pike and shield animations because modders have already created mechanics for them.
When you say pike and shield, you mean like the macedonians used to fight in their phalanx formation?
No, I mean the animations I have released already - the pike-brace animations and the shield-bash animation.

ThaneWulfgharn said:
Papa Lazarou said:
Just one?  :razz:

Dual wielding would require new mechanics. I can only animate. I started with the pike and shield animations because modders have already created mechanics for them.
I have a dual wielding script from Ikaguia.You just make the anims for the community.
I wouldn't know what to do with the script, sorry. See above about the animations.

wolfstar97 said:
This may be a slightly strange request Papa  :roll:. Could you possibly, in you animation-ing greatness, make a forward roll animation? as i plan to use it in a mod :wink:

I'm only working on this project occasionally, but I'd consider doing this.
Actually I didn't use Python for that - I just referenced the animation in the actions.txt (using the name and frame numbers from OpenBRF). I replaced an attack animation for that video.
An animation for holding flag in the left hand while having a sword in right hand would be great. Then the people who is wielding a flag would be able to defend theierself instead of just running away or dropping the flag to get a weapon. It could also be used for holding torch in left hand, would be damn cool.
Papa Lazarou said:
Actually I didn't use Python for that - I just referenced the animation in the actions.txt (using the name and frame numbers from OpenBRF). I replaced an attack animation for that video.
Ah, sure. Np.

For any interested, this code seems to work quite well:
 ["shield_bash", acf_enforce_all, amf_play|amf_priority_striked|amf_use_defend_speed|amf_client_owner_prediction,
  [0.75, "shield_bash", 0, 30, blend_in_defense],
It is taken from xenoargh's Blood&Steel/shield bash code, just referencing the appropriate frames for Papa's animation, rather than the Native animation he used. Looks great and I didn't see any of the clipping shown in the example video (might be the blend_in_defense vs one of the attack positions).
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