Am I missing something? (with regards to obtaining vassels)

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Yes, you can. At least on 1.4.1. The persuasion system percentage is a little ****ed though.
I did recruit two vassals this morning.
Getting vassals without feifs, and then granting them feifs soon after getting them, has been successful for me.

I got the Legion of the Betrayed to become my vassal for 3k Denars, gave them a castle and they've stuck with me as become an important part of my kingdom.

Mercenaries were bleeding me dry on funds early in my latest campaign. One minute i'd be paying them 1000 denar a day, the next day I'm paying 6000 denar and I'm having to halve my party size because I can't pay my troops.
When will it be done? It's been two weeks already. Had top stop my single campaign because of this :sad:
Clans with several fiefs usually wants big amounts to join your kingdom. Its normal what real problem is :

Convinced lords can leave you if your kingdom is not powerfull enough or if you do not have good relations with them. We will deal with this problem to make defections harder. In next days this will be fixed.

Currently you need to convince lords which have no fiefs and you need to conquer and give them a new fief asap to avoid them to defect.

Edit : Defections will be harder means not more expensive but after you convince them they will not leave you easily.
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