SP - General Allow us to cheer with our troops!

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At the end of every battle, our troops cheer in delight and bask in their victory! Yet our characters just stand there unamused. I think allowing us to cheer would be a nice small addition to the game that would really help with immersion. Back in Warband, I used to enable cheats just so I could, at the end of every battle, have my character be controlled by the ai so they would cheer as well, but having an actual action for this would be much nicer.
It would be very awesome to be able to celebrate with your troopps, maybe hitting the shield with the sword or axe, or do a scream while you are on the horse. Things like that!
I believe there's a mod for this already. Button activated as well. When in combat it makes you hurl an insult, after battle it makes you cheer.
Something to that effect.
Yeah, troops are just shouting, it feels empty sometimes
imagine an episode of Game of throne and after a battle they just Shout for 5 minutes:xf-smile:

activities possible:

-finish the wounded
-crouch to find rare loot, removing boots
-sit, Laughing in circles
-just sitting in the grass, after this long and difficult fight, or even lie on the grass
-Throwing axes or arrow at a dead man for "fun"
-Celebrating your performance if you done well

It could be so much more entertaining and immersive
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Real Warlords use their weapon and block up, as a Salute.

But yeah it would be nice to have a Cheer button of some sort, after especially grueling fights.
Far inferior to the time-old tradition of throwing a missile into the nearest allies' face
I do this in tournaments, whenever my team makes the mistake of giving me the javelins! I usually wait until they're mid-cheer, for greatest effect.

Rearing your horse is a great touch, but for players that don't fight on horseback, lost their horse during battle, or ended up in a tournament without a horse, there aren't many options. It would be nice to see some sort of emote system, that would let you cheer, taunt, salute, bow, do a flourish with your weapon, shake hands, that sort of thing. They already have a "wheel selection" system in place for certain buttons, so at least some of the framework is already there.
also cultures like the celts use to scream at the beginning of the battle to scare and intimidate the enemy i feel like its a must
Although there is a mod for this already, it should be implemented in the main game honestly, not having a mod dependency for the feature.
Just like CutThroughEveryone (having a big ass glaive and swinging it at 5 mofos will just kill /hit 1 of them under normal circumstances, doesn't sound right to me) which make everyone's attacks AOE as long as that's possible with the weapon (swords, axes, polearms)
Apparently, it is gonna be added to the game.

Combat Missions

  • Performance
    • AI performance optimizations
    • Formation system performance optimizations
    • Memory management improvements
  • AI
    • Battle formation AI and tactics overhaul
    • Siege tower and ladder usage fixes for AI
    • Additional fixes on siege battles
    • Agent AI combat enhancements
  • Improvements to the Order of Battle System
  • Improvements to the Order User Interface
  • Cheering
  • Ranged and mounted training NPCs for the tutorial scene.
  • Better support for modders in the sound system.
  • Bug Fixes
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