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Looking great !! by the way, do you make your turbans by hand ? or do you use the ones from the khergit fur armor texture, i'm lurking for a good turban texture since ages :neutral:
No it's not native texture. Turbans are easy, basicly you need to make three shapes with wrinkles (or download some of this red wrinkled texture which you will  desaturate and use some blend over it, or use it blended over something), combine them and erase one part, quick ilustration:


Man, when you announced you were working on AoCII, several months later I thought you gave up (or would soon). Amazing to see that you're still working on it!
Sayd Ûthman said:
Zimke, thank you very much for that tutorial, will come in very useful, i'll just have to figure out how to make those folds :grin:
Hint,hint :wink:


Or you can hand paint them, but this is faster solution and will give you better results for now.
If I may, I would recommend that you start painting over the folds in a new layer, with black/white fuzzy brush, with low opacity and overlay blend , just to get a feel how that goes.

This is thoroughly professionally done.

Zimke Zlovoljni said:
Here are some previews:

Scale west ,low/middle tier armor [/size]
Leather armour 


▲  These two were very nicely done as two variants  ▲
      Simply Stylish.
Im sorry to say this Zimke, but that piece of armor looks kinda dull.
Too much brown leather all over the place.
Or it was your intention, then i take everything back
Ghola said:
Im sorry to say this Zimke, but that piece of armor looks kinda dull.
Too much brown leather all over the place.
Or it was your intention, then i take everything back
It's the intention. Thats the references:
Well thats ok, but the first reference picture armor has wristguards and a ornamental scarf on his chest, at least adds 'some' variation and color
Well, I used second reference, which is better when it comes to references. Color is tweaked a bit, hope it is better since what I see and what you see can be different (last graphic card update screwed up all the fine settings for my monitor). Also added some buttons for balance.
Two ingame shots:
Looks better, the ingame lighting model makes the chestplate a little bit more shiny and lively.
All in all a solid piece of armor, maybe apart from the coat, but thats just my personal preference
Awesome stuff!

I do have a question here though, it seems you pick up quite a lot of parts of your armours and then make variations of it, therefor you win a lot of time I guess.
I wanted to know if you have sculpted your models or only painted them, and then apply a normal map and occlusion filter tool on your bitmaps?

I tend to make each armors model at least a bit different then the other one, but because the time is in essence, I can't afford to fool around too much and spend a lot of time on one armor, so I just remake some obvious parts, and the rest is done by texture.
As for baking high to low poly, that's not affordable too, so I just use Nvidia dds filter for normalmaps on a previously made height map, and for specular, well, specular is easiest :smile:
Dear god that screenshot looks 5 years ahead from mount and blade warband
I have no idea how you manage to pull it off
Zimke Zlovoljni said:
As for baking high to low poly, that's not affordable too, so I just use Nvidia dds filter for normalmaps on a previously made height map, and for specular, well, specular is easiest :smile:

What do you mean by previously made height map?
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