A roleplay

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  Halden laughed. "Oh, they will believe him, if they examine him. I left a mark that is known to the Dark Knights well. Even the dumbest of doctors could not help realizing that only a Dark Knight leaves two white scars across the wrist, like he has an X running over his arm."
Jalin Started laughing, not the manic laughing like before but it was obviously at the swadian mans expense.
Halden continued. "I have no great love for the Swadians, in fact, you could say I hate them. They killed my family, burned my house, and dragged me off as a prisoner. Luckily for me, they were near the salt mines when a party of Dark Knights killed them and rescued me. They equipped me and trained me in the art of Quick Blows (The Dark Knight martial art), and helped me fight the Swadians. However, I was not evil like many of them, so I was forced out because I would not execute a prisoner. The escorted me out with arrows, javelins, and swords."
"Uhh...while going around killing anything sounds fun, but exclusivlly Swadians sounds like a very stupid Idea...Doubly so by disscussing it in an open Inn, in a neutral town, right next to the guard barracks."
BEnnet stood up as well.  "Aye...I'm in too..."  As he glanced at Jalins Axe, he said, "I think you may need to pad that one..."
Halden laughed. "Aye, padding it would be proper. I, however, have made an oaken sword which is equivelant in wieght to my other sword. No padding for me! I keep it with me and spar with other friendly people I come across."
"Aye, as would I, if I had more than twenty Denars..."  Bennet said as he began to pad his greataxe and throwing axes.  ((Would that even work?))
((The padding the bladed weapons...))

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept charity...I'm just no that way..."
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