2 questions - Heroes/Companions and Limiting no. of a specific unit

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Sergeant at Arms
Hi guys, me again :smile: .... I can hear the faceplams already

Question 1: With the Heroes/Companions is it possible to remove the dialogues and relations between them (eg npcx hates npcy) without breaking anything (just because I like to keep things tidy) or will it stuff up something else? atm I just have companion interaction disabled.

Question 2: Is it possible to limit how many of a particular unit type you can have in your party?... for example unit type x can only have 5 in a party (or any other appropriate number... possibly modified by renown)

I want to make a spy/assassin/saboteur type unit that does not appear in battles but takes up troop slots in your party, can only be hired if you have enough renown (number available also governed by renown). These units can be deployed to scout out enemy armies, castles and towns and provide information on troop deployments, where they are headed etc.

I also want to add options to attempt assassination of an enemy lord (lord would not actually be killed, but destroys their army and removes them from the map as if they were defeated in battle) or sabotage missions (forces the army to stop for a time or slows their march).  Low chance of success modified by enemy army size, number of spies deployed, level of enemy lord etc, with a chance of spies being killed during the mission (eg if 10 spies are deployed, calcs based on levels and numbers of lord and units, any surviving spies... maybe 3 or 4... return after successful mission, lower chance of losses if it is a spying mission).

Failure would result in all spies deployed being killed (captured and tortured for info), making the enemy lord immediately chase you and attack, and lower your relation with that lord and faction, possibly take an honor hit as well, and if currently peaceful the faction will immediately declare war on you (whether your spies succeed or fail).  I would also make these options only available under certain circumstances and with a long time before reuse... global cooldown sort of thing... at least assassination and sabotage missions (needs more planning but that's the guts of it).

flames? suggestions? any feedback is welcome...

btw, if anyone tries to steal my idea the fleas of a thousand camels will infest your crotch and your arms will grow too short to scratch :smile:
number one.. go to magelords 82 little tweaks...
for number two i'm not really sure...
have fun man..
Hey Misho,

Thanks for the tip man :smile:  I already have interaction disabled, I just wanted to remove all the dialogues to tidy up the code.  Guess I can make a copy and try it, see if it breaks anything :smile:

I'll post results in a few days .... maybe....  :wink:
You can't apply a hard limit on a troop type at transfer-time but you can always use a map trigger to check your party and remove any excess troops.
hmm, a sort of related question, is it possible to change who likes/dislikes who, or to set it so that two characters have no likes/dislikes but others hate say 3 people and like 1 or 2
LordRaglan said:
hmm, a sort of related question, is it possible to change who likes/dislikes who, or to set it so that two characters have no likes/dislikes but others hate say 3 people and like 1 or 2

You can find these in module_script.py (these apply to Borcha):
        (troop_set_slot, "trp_npc1", slot_troop_personalityclash_object, "trp_npc7"),  #borcha - deshavi
        (troop_set_slot, "trp_npc1", slot_troop_personalityclash2_object, "trp_npc16"),  #borcha - klethi
        (troop_set_slot, "trp_npc1", slot_troop_personalitymatch_object, "trp_npc2"),  #borcha - marnid

And you find these in the module_strings.py (these apply to Borcha):
  ("npc1_personalityclash_speech", "Captain -- no offense, but I'm a bit tired of {s11}, who puts on airs like she's something better than your humble servant Borcha."),
  ("npc1_personalityclash_speech_b", "She's a common bandit, just like myself, and she has no right to tell me to keep my distance from her, as she did just now."),

I haven't found (or searched) yet where these lines are triggered but I hope it's a start, best for the other parts is in module_dialogs.py, perhaps it's enough to search for personalityclash.
I use these as the personality clash speech placeholders in module_strings.py, you have to have them for each companion in each speech zone for all the later conversations to work. If you do it correctly their home recap speech will be correct, if you don't they will use a different persons speech.

  ("npc17_personalityclash2_speech", ".17pc2a"),

In module_scripts.py. To disable the personality clashes you put in the -1 instead of an npc number, or put in any trp_npc# to give the one you want for matches and clashes.

      (troop_set_slot, "trp_npc17", slot_troop_personalityclash_object, -1), 
      (troop_set_slot, "trp_npc17", slot_troop_personalityclash2_object, -1),


mfberg said:
I use these as the personality clash speech placeholders in module_strings.py, you have to have them for each companion in each speech zone for all the later conversations to work. If you do it correctly their home recap speech will be correct, if you don't they will use a different persons speech.

  ("npc17_personalityclash2_speech", ".17pc2a"),

In module_scripts.py. To disable the personality clashes you put in the -1 instead of an npc number, or put in any trp_npc# to give the one you want for matches and clashes.

      (troop_set_slot, "trp_npc17", slot_troop_personalityclash_object, -1), 
      (troop_set_slot, "trp_npc17", slot_troop_personalityclash2_object, -1),


I am having that problem, but i am not sure what you meant by that fix.
If you have more companions than the number for Native (17 or more) you have to have speeches or placeholders for every given speech for each extra companion you have added. You also have to change the multiplier

You also have to change the number in this line in module_scripts.py to equal the number of possible companions.

    (try_for_range, ":npc", companions_begin, companions_end),

            (try_for_range, ":slot_addition", 0, "$number_of_npc_slots"),
                (store_add, ":slot", ":slot_addition", slot_troop_intro),

-------->> (store_mul, ":string_addition", ":slot_addition", 38),              #####This is the number of total possible companions you have.
                (store_add, ":string", "str_npc1_intro", ":string_addition"),
                (val_add, ":string", ":npc"),
                (val_sub, ":string", companions_begin),

                (troop_set_slot, ":npc", ":slot", ":string"),

You cannot have the personality clash objects be other than a trp_npc# number, you cannot have npc number that you don't have npc numbers for, or 0, to delete the clashes and not have any mix up in lines you must have the -1

(troop_set_slot, "trp_npc17", slot_troop_personalityclash_object, -1), 
Ah, then that is not the problem i am having after all. I only have 6 companions. But it seems to be the same result.
They are kind of teamed up 3 and 3. They clash with the other 3 and match amongst themselves.
But somehow the conversations seems very randomized, sometimes even the player gets their dialogue as an option.
Also, they keep getting personality clashes with the player.
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