Resolved [1.4.3] AI clans won't form armies if clan leader is stuck as Governor

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Blood Gryphon

Grandmaster Knight
Summary: I've had my own kingdom for a while and noticed one of my clans has an unusually high amount of influence 4,000 compared to the next highest of 1,800. Yorig of Ormidoving has been stuck as the governor of Vadiv Castle since i took it and gave it too him and it was his 5th castle. His family consists of 7 other members with 3 being vassals and 4 being nobles, i believe since all nobles were governors of the previous 4 castles owning the 5th forced Yorig to be stuck as a governor.
How to Reproduce: Provide a clan with a high amount of fiefs (possibly more than the nobles in their familys) and see if clan leader will be stuck as governor for extended period of time stopping army creation by that clan.
Media (Screenshots & Video): PIC
Version: 1.4.3
Installed community-made modifications:
No, i only updated the black hex code to a purple color.

Save uploaded and linked to this thread.
I've had this happen with both my clan and my vassal's clans. It's irritating that it forces someone to be a governor, but I think its their way of pushing you to recruit more lords.
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