Your Domestic Policies?

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J Awesome

For those of you who regularly control land, I was curious to what YOUR domestic policies are.  I've only gotten to that stage a few times, and I can't quite get the best balance, so I thought I'd ask for some insight (ie love centralization, but I don't want to deal with vassal temper tantrums every month).

edit: here for reference
My current playthrough is a religious society, so, this is what I'm planning:

Little Decentralized: My vassals rule under the divine right of God, what they intend to do with their holdings is between them and the Lord.  So long as they abide my laws, I don't trouble them much.

Very Arisocratic: Some are born poor, others rich, and often they cannot change this.  The Lord has a plan for them all.

All Free Subjects: No one knows where the Lord shall lead us, and we shall not interfere with His divine motions.

Great Bravery: Men are inspired by their faith and skilfully wield arms to defend his honour and slaughter those who would hinder his love.
The only one I have tampered with is Decentralisation - it gives you +3 lord relationship every month which is INCREDIBLY useful, to the point that running an empire without it would be impossible unless you feasted the **** out of them constantly. The tax ineff. is so minor if you only have one city as a fief that I barely notice.

Not sure about any of the other sliders.
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