Would You Rather

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Gain a few million. If I'm smart and lucky I can make it go long enough to live out a decent life/invest.

Would you rather be able to chose 5 foods that you could have unlimited amounts of, but be restricted to only those foods for the rest of your life, or never have those foods ever again?
TheFlyingFishy said:
Would you rather be able to chose 5 foods that you could have unlimited amounts of, but be restricted to only those foods for the rest of your life, or never have those foods ever again?
I'd choose 5 foods I don't like so I'll never have 'em again.

Would you rather live a life without your favourite music, or one without any form of alcohol?
If you're drunk enough almost any music is bearable.

Would you rather have to watch your parents have sex every night for the rest of your life or join in once?
****, I forgot to post a new question. Sorry 'bout that. :razz:

Okay, would you rather screw an ugly girl now, or wait and try to find a pretty girl to screw later?
Teofish said:
Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers or fingers as long as your legs?
I know someone with neither leg below the middle of his femurs. I think it'd be a humbling experience to have fingerlength legs.

Would you rather be forced to say the first thing that enters your mind or never be able to speak?

Clearly, you don't understand how this game works.

1) Pick one of the two options the person above you posts
2) Create a question of your own in the form of: "Would you rather _____ or _______ ."
SwadianJedi said:
Would you rather live in a country ruled by Stalin or Hitler?
I was just gonna ask this.
Stalin, no doubt.

Would you rather live in Yugoslavia or in one of the current Balkan states?
Farts. I could always blame someone around me and when I'm old I'll be doing it anyway.

Would you rather have to watch Blue's Clues or Dora the Explorer?
Blue's Clues. At least Steve went on to become a cool comedian/singer/actor. Dora just pretends to teach you by throwing in a Spanish word once out of every thousand English ones.

Would you rather always be 100% sure of yourself and your correctness about things, or perpetually in doubt?
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