Wolfang's CIV game. -->TURN 3 ON PAGE 8!!!!!!!

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It starts as a shimmering on the horizon, growing bigger. Land 'ho! Everyone excitedly watches the new world come nearer, it has peaks, islands, deserts, and plains. Some places are harder to live in than others. You are the leader of one of these settlers. An untamed continent awaits you. You must choose a spot from which you shall either rise, or fall. Remember, you are not the only one starting a new empire!

Good luck!


That being a little teaser, hopefully some of you will be interested. This kind of game is one I have been running on the Benelux forums for half a year or longer now (started it in May 2010), with success. I decided to stop the game due to some having lost interest after such a long time and because I was increasingly busy.

I have created and adapted this game throughout the entire run of the BNL game and it has grown out to become a game which is quite complex (some consider this a downside but I consider it a positive aspect, due to it balancing the game).

The last game topic will probably be Chinese for you guys, but this is the topic-> http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,114163.0.html

I have long thought of starting a game in this part of the forums, largely due to there being a larger crowd, but also so I could implement all the new rules I have been making up and was not able to implement mid-game, from the start.

First things first!
Pick a spot on the world map on which to start your civilization! This is a very important part of the game!

For Now I will limit the max n° of players to 8, but might raise this, if necessary.


Game Basics

Right now you must put a little dot wherever you want your city to start. You will post a picture of it in this topic (with the spot marked CLEARLY as a little dot in one of the tiles).

Every civilization will start with 150 population. The goal is basically to survive, and hopefully, to expand, which is  entirely possible.

How to survive? It's simple, your civilization must eat. You must make farms and fishers to keep your population alive. Don't underestimate their hunger!!!!! The beginning of civ is the part where you have most chance of dying out!!!!!

How do I build things? Every turn you have a certaing amount of Workforces, also known as WK (WerkKrachten). These can be spent on an entire array of buildings/upgrades.

How do I calculate my WK each turn, Wolfang, and how do I NOT MAKE MISTAKES?+ HOW DO I SEND MY ORDERS?
This is the part of the game which is essential to understand, spare my time, and your own time.

Say you have 2 farms running, and 2 fishing fleets and 1 horse breeder. Each of these buildings requires 20WK per turn to upkeep. These have already been bought, things you have bought in a turn, remain in the game, until destroyed/demolished.
The total upkeep WK would then be 5x20= 100WK upkeep
You have 230 population.
You must always take away 0,1 of your total population (this being your army)


you then take away the upkeep

this is then your total WK you can spend this turn on buying new buildings and other actions.
For example

2 new farms= 40WK
3 road segments=60WK
you can't do anything with 7WK so thats just garbage WK.


-23 army
-100 upkeep

2 farms=40WK (red dots on map)
3 road=60WK segments (tell me direction)

Add a map with the necessary dots & colour coding. This really helps! Orders which are not clear will just give you or me problems, and won't be processed.

Can I suggest stuff? Yes, you can, suggest new stuff.

Be aware that the game does not have such a steep learning curve, many of the buildings/actions you will only be able to undertake later on in game when you are economically strong enough to do so!

Buildings list/cost---gets updated sometimes:
Farm-20WK- Upkeep-20WK-Provides food for you population, the higher the tier, the more food, additionally, if the tile is adjacent to a river/lake it produces more food!
Fishing Fleet-20WK-Upkeep-20WK-Can be built in seas or lakes, provide the same amount of food whether at sea or in a lake. If you want to build these, you must first build a port!
Granary-20WK-You can build a farm on each tile, and each farm can have one granary, it provides a food bonus similar to one given by a river
Road segment-20WK-Can only be built in own territory/neutral. You must pay extra to build a bridge. Read trading & roads tab!!
Taking over a tile-20WK-Before you can build anything on a tile you must claim it, using this. It must be connected to your already owned territories
Scouting a tile-10WK-See scouting tab. Can be used to find things underground.
Aqueduct segment-20WK-Can be built out of rivers to provide river bonusses to tiles without rivers. These then act like rivers ingame, you must build bridges above them. They can thus also be used defensively.
Irrigation-30WK-Important action, if you want to upgrade the tier of your tiles.
University-30WK (2) (needs wood)-Provides a bonus of 10WK per turn.
Cathedral-40WK (2) (needs stone)-Provides a bonus of 10WK per turn
Port-40WK -Must be used to start trading/fishing. Also read trading tab.
Trading Fleet-20WK-Can be built in ports. Read trading tab
Lumbermill-20WK-Upkeep-20WK-Must be built on tiles with forest. Provides wood to build some other buildings.
Horse Breeder-20WK-Upkeep-20WK-Must be built on tiles with horses. Provides the horse bonus for your armies.
Mud Wall-30WK (2)-The lowest wall-level, 2 turns to build. 1,05 bonus/1 siege turn
Pallisade Wall-60WK (2) (needs wood)-Middle wall level, 2 turns to build (requires wood), 1,1 bonus/1 siege turn
Stone Wall-100WK (2) (needs wood+stone)-Best wall-level, 2 turns to build (requires wood & stone), 1,15 bonus/2 siege turns
Mine-40WK (2) (needs wood)-Is necessary to mine metals or stone. Read mines tab.
Bridge-30WK-Used to continue building roads across rivers.

There are many things not visible to the players's eyes, metals, tipcs from god, and 'good occurances', stone quarries, spread out across the map randomly by me. Only I can see this map. When you scout (10WK) you tell me/mark which tiles you scout, and you shall be informed whether you have found anything of interest.

By scouting your tiles (10WK) you have a chance of finding precious metals, these are COPPER/TIN/IRON/SILVER/GOLD.

Copper, tin & iron are military metals, these provide bonusses for your army. Making it more powerful!! DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF METALS!
When you discover a metal, you can build a mine (see costs), when you have built a mine, you receive a metal bonus for your army. This bonus can be stolen if an opposing civ takes over your mine-tile. Mine bonusses can be 'loaned' to other fations.

Each mine only has one bonus, so loaning it will do that you don't have the bonus anymore. Loaning a bonus to someone else, you can only get it back, minimum after 3 turns.

Iron= Army x 2
Bronze (if you have both tin & copper)= Army x 1,5
Tin= Army x 1,2
Copper= Army x 1,1

A Silver mine gives a bonus of 30WK per turn.
A Gold mine gives a bonus of 40WK per turn.

When going to war.

You can bring armies into the field from your city.

Your maximum army size is POPULATION x 0,1!!
10 soldiers for a civ of 100 people.

You can only field armies if they are larger than 10 soldiers. EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE IS IF YOUR CIV HAS LESS THAN 100 POPULATION!
The army costs an upkeep the size of the army. So if you have an army of 10 soldiers, with a total population of 100, you will have to deduct 100x 0,1=10 for army size. And then 10 for the army that you have fielded.

The battles between armies will be calculated RISK style!

If you send an army to a tile on which an enemy army is, and the orders for the enemies' army was to retrat to another tile. The Battle will take place nonetheless.

An army walks 2 tiles when on normal terrein. 4 tiles when using roads.

Army strength can be modified when on the field:
irons= x2

A besieged army can use extra modifiers, such as:

all the above +
no wall= no bonus= x1. 1 siege turn
mud wall= x1,05.  1 siege turn
pallisade wall= x1,1.  1 siege turn
stone wall= x1,15. 2 siege turns.
river flowing by city= x1,05

Every soldier lost in battle results in the loss of 3 population.

When you lose a battle, you cannot field a new army for 2 turns!

You can use a war-fleet to transport armies across the seas. Or to destroy an enemy fleet. (costs 20WK)

You can also performe SABOTAGE of a certain building. 35WK=Public, 40WK= Anonymous sabotage.
You can counter, sabotages using COUNTER SPYING. 30 WK

Taking over a city:
If you manage to defeat a garrison, you are in possession of the city. 1/3 of the population dies due to pillaging.

If your army is on an enemy tile, you have the option of taking it over for 40WK.

Founding a second city!
Founding a second city, requires it to be at least 2 tiles away from another city.
A new-founded city will receive 1 turn without upkeep costs!
You must send a certain amount of villagers (At least 50) to found this new city, the amount of villagers you send will result in a newfounded city with 2X that number. If you send 50 you will get 100 population.

You can only take over tiles on another island by building a city/village there.

Cities will be using a seperate set of tiles to feed its villagers.

Tradeing! (also roads)
Roads= Can be done by building roads between two cities. Gives a bonus of 10WK each turn. Roads can also be used to travel faster using an army (4 tiles per turn). Roads must ato build a bridge over a river (and crossing the river/taking over tiles on the other side of the riverbank). A Bridge costs 30WK to build across the rivers.
You can only build roads in your own territory and neutral(unclaimed) territory.
Bridges can be destroyed using an army, or if they are within your territory.

You can also build a Port, if your city is not by the coast, you must build a road to it in claimed territory, to the sea, and build a port. Then you can build fishing fleets and Trading fleets.
If both civs have a tradeing fleet, and both have agreed to start tradeing using these fleets, they have a trade network which give +10WK per turn.


Farms have different production, depending on which tiles they are built.
TIER 1= desert=no food production
TIER 4= best production

tiles can be upgraded in Tier by irrigating.

tiles produce more when adjacent to rivers/lakes!

~will update more~


The City of Yer-burcht

Hundred years of hard work had gotten the citizens of Yer as far as they are now. After a undecided battle in Faern, they moved away. The old and weak stayed back in Faern at the cruel hands of the Southlings who remained after that great war. Since then they had greatly built up a new place to call home, named after their greatest empire ever, Yer. Long had they lived in a village, doing nothing more than reproducing, drinking, farming, drinking and reproducing. But then a true leader stood up. His name was Jomeos Cockbrewer.
He built a wall, and soon dug a moat, and then his new house, the Sint-Yer palace. It was nothing like a real palace but it would soon be. He built this all by himself and after he was finished the villagers brought him food and tools, weapons and armour they had savaged when they left home. And then he rested, for 2 months in his new home, living off nothing more than what they gifted him. When he came out of the palace he was starved but happy, and named their kingdom Yer-Burcht!

The people of Yer were, as their ancestors were, trained in savage weaponry such as axes and long swords, frowned upon by most yet favored by the Yer gods. Their armour is mainly made from any metal they can get, and mostly leather. They fight like beasts, sometimes when the village/castle goes without food, even eating like beasts from their enemies, as their ancestors secretly did as well. They are the strongest and most aggresive men of the castle, and they call themself the Yerian Garde.

The people of Yer feel it is their duty to spread their crafts all over the world for others to admire and therefore enjoy trading as much as fighting. Driving hard bargain they ask high prices for their crafts .. Even though the Yerian Garde controls the trade, much of the money made goes into the traders own pocket instead of the Emperors pockets ..
@ Tumetsu
Sometimes there can be two turns in two days, usually 1 turn per week, it all really depends on when people send their orders and when I have time. But it's fun all the same. I know that most of the players from my last game will probably be rushing to get in here.
So here's my peninsula. Should I now write that history stuff like iCock

There lies little fishing village called Freydell.

You don't have to, but most do.

You definitely have to give your city a name though.  :grin:

just edit your post :smile:
Wolfang, is it okay if I send my orders in Dutch, just so I know what I'm doing?
@iCock, I guess it is OK.
@Rams I 'd like to point out that if you wanted to expand into the mainland, you would need to found a second city with the new set of rules.
@Sushiman One of the problems with the last game was that the speed of armies was very slow, even at 2 tiles per turn. This map also has quite a LOT of desert tiles, so I don't think I will implement this.

Also, Rams, is your city called Hi?
Sushiman you need a city name. :smile:

I guess I do like the North vs South feel, although in this case, the North has quite substancially less tiles than the South.
I also know, the fingers, but we can't say that belongs to the Westeros, I've seen many maps with fingers before having read the series :smile:
I am in. :smile:


Long have they fought in Faern en have give rise to a good kingdom.
But now, as Faern slowly recovers from the hard and gruel wars, they search for new lands.
As in Faern, almost every inch of the grond is taken by each nation and people, the Vinnegealian people have send fleets out to search for new lands.
And now they have found one.
Now they have settled a new city with the name : Krammes.

Now driven to search this new land they have spotted a nice place to settle down and try to make a second kingdom so that one day, Vinnegeal wil dominate this world..

SO we've already got 5 civilizations that'dve chosen their spots. I'm still hoping we can reach 8  civs! There's still lots of good spots! :grin:
The Avenger said:
I am in. :smile:


Long have they fought in Faern en have give rise to a good kingdom.
But now, as Faern slowly recovers from the hard and gruel wars, they search for new lands.
As in Faern, almost every inch of the grond is taken by each nation and people, the Vinnegealian people have send fleets out to search for new lands.
And now they have found one.
Now they have settled a new city with the name : Krammes.

Now driven to search this new land they have spotted a nice place to settle down and try to make a second kingdom so that one day, Vinnegeal wil dominate this world..

How nice to see my .. former enemy here.
Maybe, and why vassal, I made the most epic backstab in the history of backstabs, you fool!
No more Fearen politics, plox.

@Wolf Name it Hermes.

Also, new spot.

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