Will the missiles stay the same???

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Currently when I play 1257 the archers feel like they're shooting me with rifles rather than bows or javelins. They impart a huge amount of damage, sometimes more than a burly Swede hammering me with a two handed ax. The missiles seem to completely ignore the fact that I'm wearing armor, and they're EXTREMELY accurate. I've been shot in the face more times than I like at distances over 150 yards while on a galloping horse. Will missile troops be not so over powered in the final release?
Great mod though, this is the only thing in combat that seems unbalanced to me.
DrTomas said:
The combat is the same as in revision 190 .In short, it's not the one that is in the latest SVN revision.

Alright cool, thanks for the info!!! I'll definitely be looking forward to the release!
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