Which bow is best?

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ronin44 said:
Which bow is best?
Assassin's bow from Darkmod :mrgreen:
Just take the bow with the highest base damage you can use with your Power Draw skill, in native that's the Warbow.
Well depends what you are looking for?

warbow for foot archer - it has the perfect balance of range, overwhelming power and speed.
Mabons said:
Well depends what you are looking for?


I'd have to check the stats... but the last time I looked in the mod I was playing The Longbow and Warbow had the same amount of damage power but the Longbow had more range. I'd have to check the Native stats though to be sure. I would say the above list is decent as a jump off.
in Native, longbow has base damage of 22(compared to the strong bow with 23, and the war bow with 25) and is the heaviest and slowest bow in the game. Personally I never use it, instead prefer either strong bow or war bow, depending on whether I play with a horse or foot archer, respectively.
Mabons said:
Well depends what you are looking for?


Unless you're playing a mod that have altered the bow stats, Longbows have a 54 missile speed and Warbows have 58 missile speed so Warbows have better range.  Even when comparing between the same powerdraw class, Longbows are still the shortest ranged (Khergit=56, Strong=57).  There is absolutely no strategic reason to use a Longbow over some other bow, especially because it is also the heaviest, have the worst speed, and yet is not in any way compensated for those disadvantages in the rest of the stats.  If you're experiencing differently in-game, either the item editor isn't actually displaying the full stats of a weapon and I am not seeing the whole picture, or it is placebo/wishful thinking and preconceptions about how a Longbow "should" perform that are influencing your perceptions.
dunnno said:
Mabons said:
Well depends what you are looking for?


Unless you're playing a mod that have altered the bow stats, Longbows have a 54 missile speed and Warbows have 58 missile speed so Warbows have better range.  Even when comparing between the same powerdraw class, Longbows are still the shortest ranged (Khergit=56, Strong=57).  There is absolutely no strategic reason to use a Longbow over some other bow, especially because it is also the heaviest, have the worst speed, and yet is not in any way compensated for those disadvantages in the rest of the stats.  If you're experiencing differently in-game, either the item editor isn't actually displaying the full stats of a weapon and I am not seeing the whole picture, or it is placebo/wishful thinking and preconceptions about how a Longbow "should" perform that are influencing your perceptions.

RANGE NOT SPEED. Why should speed make a difference? And don't do all this d=vt **** on me.
well, considering the devs have made the game to be as realistic as it is, including missiles, I think the whole `d=vt ****`should be applicable... hands down, the longbow is the worst thing out there. I`d prefer a strong hunting bow to it any day of the week(coupled with the fact that the lb so damn UGLY :???:)
duracell said:
Mabons said:

range = speed

Yeah. The bows don't have a range exactly, because the arrows keep moving until they hit something. Arrows don't magically dissapear after they travel a certain distance. Common sense then tells us that the faster the arrow moves, the easier it'll be to hit something that is far away and the farther it will travel before gravity pulls it to the ground.
Bah. I'll go test it now. But generally, I've seen myself hitting further targets for headshots with a longbow than a warbow.
There's also a hidden stat, projectile speed. I believe the projectiles from the warbow travel ever so slightly faster than those from a longbow, so the warbow has a longer range.

Also keep in mind that the warbow has a higher PD requirement, so it takes more skill points to give it the same degree of accuracy.

Edit: Changed longwob to longbow.
No need to believe or experience, open up the item editor and check the facts, the warbow has the highest projectile speed -> the warbow has the highest range.
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