Wheel of Time

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He was really cool up until Memory of Light as a villain. Lots of buildup, with no payoff. He was good in the beginning but I feel Sanderson kind of screwed it up a little on his part, making him a bit more of a generic villain. He did have a penchant for cool lines though, like at the end of the eponymous book (I think), where he says

"Let the Lord of Chaos reign."

which was a great example of foreshadowing.
I liked Perrin - Gaul combo, and Tel'aran'rhiod in general. Battles in World of Dreams were fun to read since it was all about outsmarting the opponent. Without that Perrin would have been a lot less interesting character.

I expected Androl doing a lot more crazy kill-everybody-stuff in the last battle instead of sneaking around. If he can do miracles with gateways why not form a link and let him bounce back weaves, drop lava or just slice everyone. Great character anyway. I kind of expeced him to be Jain Farstrider's brother or something :smile:

And Bela really deserves a medal.
I've been thinking about it almost after every book, but it seems Bela hashad more adventures than many "major" characters in this book. I constantly kept wondering what would happen if someone told Bela's dozen colourful riders that they were riding the Dragon's horse. :lol:

Androl was a badass. It's also nice that Sanderson is not keeping the characters dumb on purpose (mostly) and got inventive with the gateways. I'm sure most of the readers had already imagined all sorts of innovative uses for gateways several books before already.

Padan Fain was so disappointing. I constantly expected a twist involving him every time I turned a page, but the grand twist moment got taken by the Sharans (pretty awesome, really. There was some foreshadowing of Demandred gaining control of a massive country/army but I thought it was the Seanchan homeland), when his moment finally came, there had already been a bloody billion twists on the way and his little trick was just meh.

Talmanes needs a spinoff. Or could have, seems like the Fourth age is going to be about as adventurous as a tour in a retirement home. Welcome to the age of hippies.

And goddamnit, I was really looking forward to Tuon meeting Hawkwing, or just... something from that. Nothing. :sad:

The very end, at Rands "pyre", now that was surprising as ****. If that was preciselly as Jordan had written himself, hats off to the man. The last two literature grand finales with supposed "happy endings" were The Inheritance Cycle and Malazan Book of The Fallen, so having an ending that actually made me crack a smile felt pretty uncanny. :lol:
Amagic said:
I've been thinking about it almost after every book, but it seems Bela hashad more adventures than many "major" characters in this book. I constantly kept wondering what would happen if someone told Bela's dozen colourful riders that they were riding the Dragon's horse. :lol:

Androl was a badass. It's also nice that Sanderson is not keeping the characters dumb on purpose (mostly) and got inventive with the gateways. I'm sure most of the readers had already imagined all sorts of innovative uses for gateways several books before already.

Padan Fain was so disappointing. I constantly expected a twist involving him every time I turned a page, but the grand twist moment got taken by the Sharans (pretty awesome, really. There was some foreshadowing of Demandred gaining control of a massive country/army but I thought it was the Seanchan homeland), when his moment finally came, there had already been a bloody billion twists on the way and his little trick was just meh.

Talmanes needs a spinoff. Or could have, seems like the Fourth age is going to be about as adventurous as a tour in a retirement home. Welcome to the age of hippies.

And goddamnit, I was really looking forward to Tuon meeting Hawkwing, or just... something from that. Nothing. :sad:

The very end, at Rands "pyre", now that was surprising as ****. If that was preciselly as Jordan had written himself, hats off to the man. The last two literature grand finales with supposed "happy endings" were The Inheritance Cycle and Malazan Book of The Fallen, so having an ending that actually made me crack a smile felt pretty uncanny. :lol:

That would have been fun. Bela always had the best adventures.  :cry:

I liked Androl as well. Though in hindsight, I can't help but wish Sanderson had used more of the already pre-defined Asha'men to do all the heroics. It's good that there was some form of character development in the book though.

Well, the Age of Legends wasn't particularly interesting until near the end.  :razz:
The original War of Power was at least ten times more interesting than the Last Battle, which lasted about two months. It really needs its own series as the setting is incredibly unique, a society that's both technologically and magically advanced and has no recorded history of warfare thrown into the biggest and most brutal conflict imaginable. Plus we get to see the Forsaken in more detail, even more in overall, as the third Age Forsaken are just the 12 that were left by the end of the war.
But it's not just that that I meant. The 3rd Age had lots of stuff happen in it's 3000 year history. Whereas the Age of Legends was peaceful up until the War of Shadow. But I agree, I'd like to have read more about the WoP. 

It's just hard to gauge what the 4th Age will be like compared to those two.
Bought Eye of the World back in March, and currently at 77% through with A Memory of Light on my kindle, haven't been this absorbed in a series since A Dance with Dragons was released.

Should be done with AMOL in a couple hours, **** is getting intense.
Felt a bit like books 5 - 9 where way too drawn out, nothing much happened really.

Loved AMOL, but should have been 100 pages longer, felt like it was just a bit too rushed. Cried during some parts.

I liked Moridin.
As is the general consensus. It's a shame, because while there are some interesting sub plots, most of them aren't relevant enough to aMoL.

Yep. I felt that way as well. Too much stuff to clear up at the end, I felt. Which parts? Spoiler tag them.  :razz:

Good man.  :smile:
Well, obviously the Padan Fain part was way too rushed.

Felt like there should have been a sort of reunion between Rand, Mat and Perrin, I feel like they ought to have known that Rand survived.

Should have shown the meeting between Hawkwing and Tuon, and whether or not Aviendhas version of the future had been averted.

Should have heard about Elaynes children.

Bit more on Logain and the future of the Black Tower would have been nice.

Egwene ought to have had a happier ending when she died, maybe shown her with Gawyn during the time that Rand transcends the Wheel of Time.

Some people who I think ought to have been part of the Heroes of the Horn where missing, but I suppose it's just a personal preference. But I think Egwene, Siuan, Davram and Gareth should have been part of it.
Cozur said:
Well, obviously the Padan Fain part was way too rushed.

Felt like there should have been a sort of reunion between Rand, Mat and Perrin, I feel like they ought to have known that Rand survived.

Should have shown the meeting between Hawkwing and Tuon, and whether or not Aviendhas version of the future had been averted.

Should have heard about Elaynes children.

Bit more on Logain and the future of the Black Tower would have been nice.

Egwene ought to have had a happier ending when she died, maybe shown her with Gawyn during the time that Rand transcends the Wheel of Time.

Some people who I think ought to have been part of the Heroes of the Horn where missing, but I suppose it's just a personal preference. But I think Egwene, Siuan, Davram and Gareth should have been part of it.

I agree about Padan Fain. It was almost as if he was an after thought.

Again, I agree. Would have loved to see a reunion of all 3 together. I would have also liked to witness a Siuan/Moiraine reunion.

The next two I can do without. I like the open endedness to those.

Yeah, would have been interesting to hear about Elayne's chilcren.

Well, I liked Logain's ending. You got to see him as he finally achieved his Glory. The only thing I'd like to know about is how well they would get along with the White Tower. Especially with Cads being the new Amyrlin.

I guess she did, though I felt her "soul transcending" was quite well done, and I felt it very fitting. Her talks with Rand afterwards also really got to me.  :oops:

Speaking of which, I think Egwene is more than a Hero of the Horn. Which is how she managed to communicate with Rand when he was outside the pattern.

I guess,but I don't think they did enough. I mean, it's noted that Mat isn't a hero of the horn either, despite them all recognising him when they are summoned (both in aMoL and tGH). I liked that Jain was a hero. That was awesome.
Meh, one thing I really can't forgive are how Jordan handled the reunions. Whenever Mat, Perrin or Rand meet up after a long while or just some characters from different subplots, instead of sharing awesome stories they pretty much just go "on second thought, I don't really care what you've been doing even though it was very likely something awesome". Every. Single. Time. Goddamnit, I got so excited whenever reunions happened and was so disappointed every time.
Amagic said:
Meh, one thing I really can't forgive are how Jordan handled the reunions. Whenever Mat, Perrin or Rand meet up after a long while or just some characters from different subplots, instead of sharing awesome stories they pretty much just go "on second thought, I don't really care what you've been doing even though it was very likely something awesome". Every. Single. Time. Goddamnit, I got so excited whenever reunions happened and was so disappointed every time.

Indeed. Even

Galad, Elayne and Gawyn's reunions with Morgase was lame and anti-climactic.

Just finished reading Towers of Midnight but haven't bought Memory of Light yet. Must say, the American book covers look pretty lame. Here in the UK they're much cooler and less genre fantasy. I'm presuming those two women behind Rand are meant to be Elayne and Egwene?

Anyhoo, Towers of Midnight. I'm liking Nynaeve a bit more now, but wish they hadn't given you-know-who that angreal — a little too convenient for my liking.

I also thought the whole Tower of Ghenjei stuff was a bit boring and very rushed, but it was obvious from the moment Noam first mentioned Jain Farstrider that he was him. I've been waiting for that particular admission for like 5 books already.

Jordan can be incredibly unsubtle with things like Noam at times.

But what the hell? The American book covers add a little personality in my opinion. They look great, like an homage to all those previous fantasy cover arts which would line the shelves of paperbacks in stores.

One thing which disappoints me about this series is that the one video game adaptation which showed a lot of promise (being co-developed by Obsidian) is apparently in development hell or something, as there's been no word of it for a while.
Yep. That Kickstarter thing was purely because they 'pitched' it way to early into the development of the game. It may have ended the game's hopes as well, based on the reception it got.
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