What's your favourite weapon?

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I can't find any Jereeds at all otherwise I would post them here as well. Not sure if the beta patches broke it for me when I made a new save ;-;

Here are some of my favorite weapons (and shield) that I love to use. I like to use one handed swords without utilizing any skillpoints in two-handed and I also prioritize a length of about 114-120 so it's long enough to be used on horseback.

well, to me it's thrown weapons, which are finally useful (in WB they were useless on the PC while awesome for troops as long as they could spam it)
But then again, I think that the most practical choice, and easiest way to faceroll the game is still mounted archery.

Though my personal tastes always force me to have all melee skills, like a proper elite soldier.

My favorite playstyle goes as some sort of elite Sea Raider.Thrown + shield + sword + spear, but I always fail to stick to "on-foot" because it's too tedious running towards enemies.
The Battanian Mountain Blade.

Best 2h available for civilian use, looks good, all around good stats, 93 handling, 105 length AND swing speed, 99 cut, 100 thrust speed and 52 pierce damage!
my crouch lance glaive
you can make a tier 6 glaive that is also a crouch lance 1h or 2h
because glaive is not 2 handed weapon but a polearms LOL
it has multi uses!
The best sword I've made so far and the best polearm:



Arguable whether the polearm is better than Rhomphalia but the fact that it's couchable might put it over the edge.
I'm not a blacksmith, but if you tell me that you can forge this kind of weapons l'l strart right now!
If you are a horseman, no shield, the "long glaive" dominates horsemen and is pretty darned good against infantry when you use its swing action and not thrust action! OP if you ask me, I dominate armies by myself with it(a.k.a i get a heck of a lot of kills, i till have an army). I definitely recommend giving it a try
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