What would your 3 wishes be from a Genie?

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I was thinking what I would do with a Genies wishes.. this is what I came up with in most capitalizing order..

1. Vampirism - This allows me to hit a few things in one wish

-Super Human physique
-Mind Domination

2. Time travel - This allows me to enjoy the most out of the darker years in my new found longevity of life.

-1000 BC 1000 AD -

-Most capable Warrior
-Most capable Influencer
-Most capable self contained Philosopher

3. Is undetermined. Likely to be used after hundreds-thousands of years living a millenia of life.

Something in my present mortality, I am going to have to think long and hard to match my other two wishes. What would your wishes be?
Invulnerability for me and anyone I wanted, infinite money, and the ability to do everything they do in Dragon Ball Z including the ability to make 5 minutes last 5 separate 20 minute episodes.
Shouting like Dragonborn does, ability to see the future (But not to change, i want to know what happens when a was is going to wage.) And seeing what exactly happens to your soul when you die.
Dryvus to have a tiny penis.

Dryvus's anus to be on the outside.

Dryvus to not be able to transverse stairs without falling down them or if going up stumble on at least 5 steps.
That everyone else's selfish wishes be nullified.

That the mystery of cold fusion is solved tomorrow, by a dozen different teams so it won't become exclusive knowledge.

That any person who achieves a position of power loses the ability to lie, misdirect or lie by omission. Like Jim Carrey in Liar liar.
The intelligence to comprehend the Genie's existence and it's ability to bring these wishes to fruition.

The following two would be modified by that understanding.
I'd ask for the most successful sex change. Anything else is secondary.
Though I'd probably ask for a lesbian harem.

Oh and infinite wishes.

Selfless wishes are piss.
Elisianthus said:
This is why all wishes - especially ones like immortality/knowing everything/etc - should have the "Until I decide otherwise" clause appended.
You should have some safety clause as well. Imagine getting drunk and then being sad and thinking "oh man, I don't wanna live anymore". Whoops.
1. The ability to really get the last drop of pee off my junk before i zip my pants
2. I want to be able to speak in farts
3. Rams rejoins the forum
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