What pissed you off today v. V

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My "nafs"? The only thing that rings a bell is the word "manaf", which, in Bulgarian, means either "the 'top' during homosexual anal intercourse", or is a slightly pejorative word for "Turkish man"...
But if Satan really is everywhere, then controlling the (ma)nafs would be understandable.
Ooooh. I didn't think of looking up "nafs" as a word. Only English is to blame for this treacherous deception!

EDIT: And talking about getting pissed off and bait for the bait god, I managed to involve myself in some random ****-flinging comment thread on YouTube. Again. This time under a random "Gods of Egypt" review, because having a white cast in a hollywood movie about Gods walking around and doing stuff was "unrealistic".
I need a YouTube greasemonkey to disable the "reply" button or something.
Deviantart has reached peak undertale. Probably close to 10% of the images on the "most recent" front page are those smug punchable skeletons, the comatose child protagonist, and that weird cow thing.

I hate this site so much but it's part of my daily clicking routine so there's no way out of it. And I guess I discover some really good artists along the way too.
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