What made you laugh today - Fifth Edition

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Calradianın Bilgesi said:
Keynes’s early gay love-life is laid out in full detail. Where Lord Skidelsky was tight-lipped, Mr Davenport-Hines is garrulous. It helps that the economist recorded his sexual statistics. In the nine months to February 1909 he records that he had 61 encounters, with 65 more the following year. Like a philatelist, Keynes kept a list of conquests: “…the actor of Whitechapel, 16-year-old under Etna, lift boy of Vauxhall, Jewboy, Grand Duke Cyril of the Paris Baths”. The revolutionary economic thinker becomes “Maynard, the iron copulating machine”, according to an ex-lover.
tfw no one ever called me an iron copulating machine
She stabbed an unsuspecting man with her reptilian tail and injected him with eggs that made three of her most evil spawn burst out of his mouth and kill him. Their names were Tony Blair, David Cameron and George Osborne (who is halfway through the process of splitting in two)
I might actually keep this chrome extension.

The latest episode of Last Week Tonight (With John Oliver) had a special on debt collectors.
They easily set up a company buying people's debt and ends the show with forgiving the 'medical' debt for 9000 people - almost $15 mill.  :lol:

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