Weapon/Target collision mesh issues

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I wasn't able to find another thread on this one.

I'm not sure if this is game wide, or if it's restricted to the initial training area and training weapons, but I had thought this issue would have been resolved after the ongoing problem with this in the prior M&B games. Weapons should not be able to swing through targets.

At first I thought I was just so rusty that I was missing easy shots, but decided to stop beside one of the clay pots on the equestrian course, and tested it repeatedly from a number of angles. Both the spear and the sword are inclined to simply pass through the target, unless a precise angle/distance is used -- both being very impractical and terribly inefficient angles. Actually hitting at the peak of the swing or thrust causes the weapon to pass through harmlessly (especially on the sword's backhand swing, where you essentially need to be beside the pot, and hitting with the lower half of the blade instead of the last third).

Given cavalry shenanigans against bandits and looters, it appears that the issue isn't just in dealing with pots, but I haven't examined that from multiple angles yet, so that may just be me being terribly rusty.

As combat simulation is the very heart of this game, this seems like a problem that should have been fixed long ago. If something looks like it's hitting, it should hit. Collision should not be arbitrary and require special knowledge of the game's oddities to make it work.

So that this post isn't just complaining: There really is some wonderful work done on this. The world looks *so* much better, is more immersive, and feels more consistent so far. The launch of the single player campaign is a great touch, and I'm sure once the bugs are worked out it'll become a selling feature for many newer players -- especially once the studio and/or mods start tweaking things to make such campaigns more individualistic (for cultures, etc). In large, the game seems to have retained its best features while attempting to ameliorate some of its biggest issues. I look forward to seeing how things develop as the studio tweaks and fixes the existing issues.
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