We who are about to Die! Made by an old m&b modder - me!

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Poetry video, I like it :lol:.

I feel like the guys should put their bodies into it more when they swing/stab.
Highelf said:
Hey all!

I'm excited to show off a major update video! If you have 5 mins to spare check it out:

Didn't notice the rhyming until you pointed it out at the end, I went back to the start to find them  :lol:

You mention that the shield acts as it should even when not being actively used, but I saw a number of sword strikes that appear to be landing against the shield or through it, and drawing blood from the target. Is the sword actually getting past the shield in all these instances? It really looked like it couldn't have gotten past on a few of them.
DanAngleland said:
Highelf said:
Hey all!

I'm excited to show off a major update video! If you have 5 mins to spare check it out:

Didn't notice the rhyming until you pointed it out at the end, I went back to the start to find them  :lol:

You mention that the shield acts as it should even when not being actively used, but I saw a number of sword strikes that appear to be landing against the shield or through it, and drawing blood from the target. Is the sword actually getting past the shield in all these instances? It really looked like it couldn't have gotten past on a few of them.

Yeah - good eye! At the time of recording I think there was a bug that I didn't pay attention too where it was hitting another, bigger collision box for the body. I was messing with collisions and noticed it and changed it after so I think it should be better now. (I'll test to verify next time I can)

It's not perfect though, it requires a lot of tweaking still. Don't want shields to be useless nor OP - so its a tough balance.
When you try to add in a dynamic animation that looks at the opponent :smile:

I forgot to post this before, but you can also follow development here if you are a reddit user:

creuzet said:
Looking good. Love the design and the artwork.

Thank you!
DanAngleland said:
"Don't guzzle all the wine Dubius Maximus, I want to have some in a minute when I've beaten this so-called gladiator."

Officially the first RP for my game! :wink:
Unbelievable, but someone actually made FAN ART for my game already Huge smile on my face.


Be sure to check out his work at https://www.artstation.com/artist/majdf !

I'm currently doing UI stuff (relatively boring, options menu and stuff) but I added a new shield yesterday :smile:

Adorno said:
Highelf said:
Every time I code some animation related stuff the first result is hilarious. Every. Single. Time.

Have you added particle effects, like dust or pollen, in the air? Looks like it, by the top of the column to the left.

Yep! Little specs, and sandy dust adds a bit of life and movement :smile:

Here's the working version of the shield aim feature:

DanAngleland said:
Cool, looks good. What are the controls for the shield aiming?

You hold RMB to block with a shield, and the aiming just happens automatically when you are moving the cursor. (but only when you're locked onto an opponent, so you orient to them automatically. Without lock on, the player orients to the cursor, so I cant have shield aiming then)
Small teaser for upcoming feature :smile: (2 handed weapons!)

Also a nod to my past here on the forums as Highelf. This was the first thing I ever added (the Highelven 2hander from lotr) and wanted to add to m&b (and any game ever, in other words.)
So I couldn't make my first game and not have it in here.

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