SP - Player, NPCs & Troops We need greater control of our resources: Troops, Food, Companions, etc.

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Companion parties automatically donating troops to conquered settlements: I gave my companion elite horse archers and had him join my army, so he donates 20 of them to a castle that I only seiged and took to piss off the enemy. We need to control our companion parties' troop decisions (including leveling up) like they are our own troops.

Having troops in your party that are leveled and ready to upgrade, when you put these troops in a garrison, the garrison automatically upgrades them along a random path. We need to have control over this; whether settings we can set ahead of time, or needing to do it manually. Sometimes, to manage economy and utility, we may not want to level these troops any further. Maybe we like where they are. Maybe we find a particular troop path to be garbage and don't want any of that particular troop. We need control over this.

I avoid "prosperity" in my settlements at all cost. If you changed the "prosperity" tag to "starvation", your system would make more sense. The town is prosperous; sounds good. So, naturally, it's starving. What? Because it's starving, it's not as prosperous anymore. That make sense. So because it's not as prosperous, it's starving even more. WHAT?! I would say allow us to manually stash food in a granary, but there is no way we could reasonably do that, as the entire game would be traveling the world and buying grain. We need this mechanic fully overhauled, or we need to give our companions an order to travel and buy foodstuffs and deliver it to X settlement.

Companions need more commands. I love the idea of having a limited number of trusted followers that you can give special assignments. Let's expand upon that. Caravans and doing quests for you is a good start. Let us give them orders to gather recruits and deposit them into garrisons, patrol certain areas, collect loot and prisoners, collect resources (like food; above example), be messengers (send them to contact different NPCs instead of us having to run around and do it), etc. This would be great QOL and also more immersive. Can no one in Calradia read or write, or even remember a message to deliver to someone else? Have to do it all in person?

Speaking of caravans, more control over those would be great too. Options to specify what they buy and/or where they go. Just a bit ago, I set up a caravan with a companion, spent the extra to get bolstered troops (oh yeah, and let us add troops to them as if they were a party), and they immediately went to a faction that we were at war with, that only had 2 castles so it would have been very easy to miss amidst the many peaceful borders, and got beaten and captured. Is it not even a part of the code for caravans to avoid territories they're at war with? It really, really should be. If all the traders are suicidal, at least they can give us warning signs in their dialogue before we invest 20k.

I can also understand the route Taleworlds is taking instead of these little tweaks and making their code easier to mod so that the community can customize as they see fit. So whether it's Taleworlds or the modding community, can someone address this? I cannot be the only one smacking my face repeatedly into these walls. Either way, the game is really good and the modding community makes it even better, but the above mentioned things really are crippling its greatness IMO. Perhaps there's bigger fish to fry, but these little things are already taking the wind out of my sails. We need more control!
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