SP - Economy Warehouses With Commodities Auto Buying and Selling

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I know awhile back someone did suggest an idea for a Warehouse, but their idea had more to do with having a place to store things from their inventory. The idea of this thread is a Warehouse that you build (or buy and set up, if it were an additional type of workshop) that automatically buys and sells the commodity of your choice. It would only be an option in Towns. The interface for it would have a drop down menu in it with all the commodities and byproducts (hardwood, wool, oil, etc.), and you would choose one. You would also choose a "buy" price, and a "sell" price. The Warehouse would then automatically buy anything at or under the Buy price as it appears in the market inventory, and then sell it for the specified Sell price. Of course, profits would not be automatic...a person would have to be patient, as it could take some time for it to return a profit as it could only buy and sell things depending on town inventory availability and if the current market price match the selected prices. If used for a type of food, it could also function similar to a granary and be especially useful during a siege (it would continue to function during the siege and release its food as food stocks dwindle, keeping troops well fed and in good fighting order).
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