Warband/Skirmish/Free-for-all Type Mods? (No Major Factions or Big Armies)

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Knight at Arms
Old Guard
This is part opinion and part hoping/looking for a mod.

After coming back to Warband being away a long time I've tried many mods out (Clash of Kings, Pendor, Persino, Native Expanded), and they all seem to be missing one thing...

Pretty much all of them have huge armies marching all over the map. If you are not part of a major power, in an army, or as a liege jumping in on your master's fights, then you stand no chance on your own until you get to level 10+.

Your options to build up XP and loot until then are:
A/ hunting for rare groups of looters/robbers (5% or less of parties), while running away from everything else (95%)
B/ grinding a ton of boring generic quests (no combat)
C/ signing up to be cannon fodder in a lord's army, get sent into sieges, a pointless button-mashing mess

Which to me is not that fun.

Maybe I am imagining things but I remember the original M&B had typical party sizes in the 30s, ranging from the 10s to 40s for neutral/bandit parties, and 30s to 70s or rarely 100 max for the largest 'main' faction parties.

Speaking of 'main factions' the 'factions' were not that big deal. The center of the world was Zendar.  Most of the parties you met were mountain bandits, forest bandits, manhunters, steppe bandits, RIVER PIRATES, khergit bands and sea raiders sprinkled with Dark Knights (most powerful party you could encounter) - ie 'neutrals'. There were no formations. There were no lords.

The factions were a secondary part (if you wanted to get into it) rather than the WHOLE game.

- M&B Warband seems more like M&B Armies
- in the original you could survive as your own independent leader pretty much from the start. A band of 10-20 with some companions was viable
- factions are too strong, you don't have any real freedom until the mid game

Are there any mods which have that kind of original feel of small/free-for-all battles and actual adventuring, rather than being someone's servant?

^  here is a video of what early levels looked like that I remember
Wow, I just realized. Fast paced battles are actually not that tedious, and the grind to fight enemies over and over (as they can't die) is getting tiring.

For what mod I don't know, but as you are looking for "no major faction or big armies", maybe the mod called blood for land will suit you. It doesn't have the world map and it's rts m&b hybrid.

Or, of course you can use tweakmb.
It's your choice.
Cokjan said:
Wow, I just realized. Fast paced battles are actually not that tedious, and the grind to fight enemies over and over (as they can't die) is getting tiring.

For what mod I don't know, but as you are looking for "no major faction or big armies", maybe the mod called blood for land will suit you. It doesn't have the world map and it's rts m&b hybrid.

Or, of course you can use tweakmb.
It's your choice.
Thanks, Blood for Land looks super interesting, though an RTS not what I was looking for
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