Vote for city owner : I'm one third of the Empire ?

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Hello !

I've experienced some weird stuff as an Archon of Southern Empire.

First of all, when I joined the Southern Empire and discovered the "Kingdom" category, I saw there was no active policy at all
(which is quite strange for an empire, even torn apart)

Second, when voting for who's gonna have a city, there always is only two choices (plus my own clan). Always the same, it seems to be the less granted clans in the kingdom.
If it's intended, it's fine. Maybe it depends of the kingdom's laws....

Third, when voting for a city owner, my vote sometimes had the weight of a third or a quarter of the Empire. (while using the minimal influence).
Maybe other lords had not voted yet ? But each time, Rhagaea closed the topic right after my vote, so... Sorry, lads, you have to be faster to check your cell phone !
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