VIKTOR Comics (safe version)

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Viktors Comics were a travesty against our good and clean lands but i know many of you liked them so i made a clean version for all to enjoy and not get offended by

Viktor 1
Viktor 2
Viktor 3
Viktor 4
Viktor 5
Guys please.. Stop trollling alene.

We all know shes quite Old, so she has no clue what fun is for teenager And Young adults. She cant help that shes salty And offended from time to time. It Will happen to all of us about 20 years. Atleast, if we are dumn enough to keep playing games at that age.. Anyhow, please show some respect.

Thanks in advance
Trebron said:
Go outside kid. Get a life xd
But...but...I was outside living my life when they got removed.  Some stuff gets reported, some stuff is stupid enough (cute, but still stupid) to not need it.  I'll let you choose which one this fell into.  :shifty:

Let's see, kill a waste of time thread that's just gonna end up with reports and messages that Mr. Meanie McMeanerson is being mean in the thread before reports and messages get sent seems like a win to me.  I'd say we saved you kids a lot of heartache.  You're welcome.
Snazzelicious said:
why is this censored
Because we have had a rash of trolling on the forum lately by some unsavory characters so naturally some members report posts that may or may not be actual attempts at trolling and then soon people like Ceasar get their panties in a wad about moderators overreacting and other such nonsense.  Also, what Mad said.
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