United States Marine Corps

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You can join the Army’s voluntary officers training when 16 and when you get to be 17 you get drafted You will be a squad leader, and if you are nice and follow orders you will be a sergeant when you are done with the military service,

And the National Guard when your 15 but you won’t get to handle a weapon till you are 16.

The military service in Sweden isn’t made for an Invasion defence or an Attacking army anymore, it’s getting reworked to an international support army for peacekeeping missions from the European Union and the UN.

I wasn’t anything but a grunt so I only got drafted (I did get that fu**ing 10 kg radio to drag with me wherever we marched + the usual 25 kg back pack + 6 kg weapon and ammo.)

Meatbag were are you from?
See, that's why the Navy is the best branch there is. Let the boat do the marching for you :wink: Served on a minelayer myself. Sweetest service you could think of. Made me lazy, though. We became quite skillful at dodging work, but this is something in common to all branches (though Navy and Airforce particularly, I guess). My brother was also in the Navy, and he once carried a hammer wherever he went, so the officers would think he already had work to go to. He got away with this for over a week before they started getting suspicious. :grin:
Wow, some of you guys are extremely out on a limb here. I just came back from two tours in combat. Army Battery Commander. First, more than 95% of my Soldiers had high school degrees, some had college, and most were the normal goofy kids you went to school with and wanted to do something with themselves. Most of the Soldiers in my Battery were middle-class and didn't have to join. I, for one, am middle class bred and signed up for the Army to pay for my degree and to protect our country. I stayed in the Army after my initial obligation because I love being a Soldier and I love being around Soldiers, they are an absolute riot! Whether or not Soldiers agree politically with the "GWOT", they do what they are told and go where the country tells them, for their fellow Soldiers, not apple pie and mom.

I love hearing people talk about Iraq and they have never been there. Most Iraqis are humble, meek, extremely hospitable to strangers, and very poor. They are also mistrusting, but that comes from living under a despot for the last umpteen decades (including the bloody Brits! just kidding wankers).

Anyway, I fight for freedom of speech, and the right to vote (or right not to), so do what you want, freedom is yours. How are you going to make it count?

I lived in Germany for 7 years, was born there, etc....so I know the lifestyle and loved it...too high taxes and not enough action. Most Euroean Soldiers that I worked with in Kosovo and Iraq, and Turkey, and Kuwait, are actually pretty cool -- even the conscripts. The French women wear the uniforms a tad tight (unfortunately, so do the "men"). Hey, it's all in good fun.

Love the game by the way. A little elementary in some aspects, but simple is good. KISS -- keep it simple stupid (for jarheads).

Take it easy people, enjoy life while you have it and don't get so worked up over the politics, they are all corrupt and dirty, win or lose. And think about what you might be doing when this one is over...you got nothing to lose by believing!

Mayhem out.
-GandalfTheGrey said:
meatbag999 said:
-Bonus X10 salary and free funeral if you die.(+3 ranks promotion if KIA)
Very useful indeed. Yeah Mum' I'm a sergeant, but I'm dead...

And that free funeral sure will be nice, as you can sit on your laurels in heaven, looking down on it and reminisce about all the evil people you killed to keep your country "free". God bless America.
DOn't get your hand's on a weapon until your 16. well, to bad i guess. I joined the army cadets when i was 12 1/2. (i'm 15 now) you get to handle weapons, styers, in your second year, and fire them in your third year. unfortunaly i didn;t get to use them this year on the yearly annual camp, because it was a choise between living in the bush for a week or going sking at perisher, and i go shooting with .22's every second weekend anyways. also in the cadets's you 'can' have traing and practice using practially all of the weapons that the army uses, e.g. support macheinguns, grenades, sactual charges, anti tank rockets *drool*, motors and more, unfortunatly you can't transfer directly into the army from it. yeah well if you live in the land down under join the reserves, good tax deductable pay, training, and only 1 night a week and one weekend a month. you can join at the age of 17 just so you know and i think i will.
well that concluded my propagander/selling session
M&B rocks, and my addiction to it might actually stop me from joining the army
hey man where do you live in australia? i'm an australian too, i'm in melbourne but i've got alot of mates in queensland who used to be in the cadets up in townsville. it didn't sound all fun and games though.
Oggy said:
And that free funeral sure will be nice, as you can sit on your laurels in heaven, looking down on it and reminisce about all the evil people you killed to keep your country "free". God bless America.

The life insurance and the free funeral are actually extremely tempting offers, as most men tend to offer a thought to their families as well. Funerals are bloody expensive, and a real concern for many. I would consider the posthumous benefits to be the best.
good luck man. I myself don't support the US's foreign policy, but everybody has his opinions.
Don't get yourself hurt out there man.
It's alright in cadets but ir sometimes depends on where your are located, for example in townsivile you would probably have all of the regular soilders who probably have seen a lot of combat, so they would probably be more disiplened, plus you have more people and stuff, although you would probably get to use weapons and stuff more though. for the last three odd years i have been in a cadet unit in a relativly small unit in a small town in QLD. it was bloody awsum there because it was small and rank everyone new everyone and everyone was freindly, it was also good because one the reserves would often come along and give us advice and somethimes let us use the bases weapons and stuff like night visions googles :grin: , and he would also give us some 'unofficial' training and info aboutcombat manouvers and stuff because he had served in the fist gulf war i think and plenty of other places before he left the regular army and joined the reserves. the other great benifit of where we were was that we could go down into the bush next to the base, and because we only had one officer and she always stayed up at the base we could do all kinds of unofficial fake attacks and ambushes and stuff. you should probably give it a go because it's good fun and you get to hang around army officers, which i would have to agree a great bunch that only really care about their mates and not politics. I have recently moved to brisbane and i'll be going to a bigger different unit here so it might be worse or it might not. supposedly i might be able to do flying courses and other stuff like a styer instructer course :grin: so it'll be alright.
yeah who is he, i do know a tyson which lives near stanthorpe and knows about computers and was in the cadets, but it must be a coincidence.
Thanks for your service to our country. Best of luck to you.

You should have gone Army.

Artillary - King of Battle
Join the army, hah. from what i understand the marines attacked and 'liberated' iraq, and now the army is stuck garissoning it and getting suicide bombed.
I'm going to assume that you weren't trying to insult me or something I committed myself to for a number of years and were referring to a current world event instead. I'm not getting into the politics. :smile:

Sorry :oops:
I didn't mean it that way, i was just saying that the marines got to invade but the regular army has to ocupy the country.
Oy, and thath's why I said I wasn't going to take it personally. I'm out and enjoying the banking industry these days. Quite a bit safer then calling in artillary from the front and sitting around waiting to get blown to ****. :cool:
Mayhem 6:

I love hearing people talk about Iraq and they have never been there. Most Iraqis are humble, meek, extremely hospitable to strangers, and very poor. They are also mistrusting, but that comes from living under a despot for the last umpteen decades (including the bloody Brits! just kidding wankers).

That is very true and not enough people know it. For nearly all of recent history it's been the Europeans who have conquered, manipulated and divided the Middle East. A lot of the problems there go back to World War I.

After the war the French and British had a secret agreement to split up the region, but they had made promises to the Jews, promises to the Muslims, promises to each other and they broke them all. But we French got out of there quickly (though we are still in Lebanon and Syria, I think we were involved in the recent troubles there)... the British have been the worst of all.

The Israel-Palestine conflict is directly their fault. The dictatorships in Iraq, Jordan, etc were kept in place by them. The Saudi Arabians were nothing until the British gave them half of the region... And remember, the fanatical Islam of the terrorists comes completely from that country. Most of the world's problems are the fault of the UK.

I am not saying George Bush is not evil, but he is just a newcomer to the 'game'. Tony Blair is the 'big boy' in all of this.
I've got about six months of freedom. Six months there and freedom. I just hope that I won't get killed because of some **** ups mistake.
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