Closed Ugly gradient banding on menu background images in multiplayer

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Summary: Ugly gradient banding on menu background images in multiplayer, which I fixed with my mod, but I think it should be included in the base game (it is logical + to allow playing on official servers in MP). Maybe there's a reason you did it this way, like for some sort of optimisation or something, but I'm not sure why you would try to optimise FPS in the menu.

Scene Name (if related): Menu background images.

Media (Screenshots & Video): You can check the comparison and get the needed resources from my mod version here (Workshop MP version)

Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 11
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1650 Mobile
GPU Driver Version: 551.52

P.S. I thought it was relevant for both SP and MP, but it seems I may have made a mistake and it's only relevant for multiplayer.
Thank you for reporting. After talking out with the team we decided that this is not something we consider as a bug and we won't be taking any action regarding this issue. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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