user interface

  1. Quick switch loadout option would be great

    Hello, Fairly simple thing today. It would be nice to have two sets of items, one for mounted and one for unmounted combat. The setup for this of course I mean this on the campaign map, whatever you take into battle is what you're stuck with other than on site procurement. I just find it very...
  2. Lornloth00

    SP - Battles & Sieges Stickier siege machine icons for controllers

    Make siege icons more sticky or magnetic so that the controller cursor has an easier time choosing siege machines during siege. Using the controller for Bannerlord is fun because you guys have done a great job with most of it but menus are the greatest weakness to the controller system as good...
  3. badxv

    Make custom servers more accessible in the user interface

    Summary: After opening the game, it takes about 6 clicks until you reach a custom server. Custom servers have long been the main driver of multiplayer. Yet they are hidden under many tabs. Servers need to be listed on the multiplayer main screen. The tiring click load will thus be reduced, and...
  4. Favoras

    Closed Ugly gradient banding on menu background images in multiplayer

    Summary: Ugly gradient banding on menu background images in multiplayer, which I fixed with my mod, but I think it should be included in the base game (it is logical + to allow playing on official servers in MP). Maybe there's a reason you did it this way, like for some sort of optimisation or...
  5. Qwezz

    SP Native Shield UI fix mod Remeber the resist stat warband shields had? Bannerlord shields have it too, it just isnt shown in the UI. This mod fixes that. I always wondered why they didn't want to show this in the game's UI. Anyways, this is my first mod...
  6. Rulin

    SP - UI [Encyclopedia] Sorting by level filter-option

    I am pretty sure I was able to sort wanderers by level in 1.03. Maybe it was a mod that enabled this, but if not: can this filter please be brought back? It was very useful and allowed sorting wanderers basically by strength/experience as well es potential spouses. Currently the filter option on...
  7. AstroCat

    Resolved 1.1.0 - Character screen Perk and Ability icons bugged.

    Summary: Character screen Perk and Ability icons bugged. When I have a perk the Ability Icon shows. My Perk shows a number when I have an Ability point to spend, they are backwards. Stranger yet, in the beginning my brother shows my Perk amount, I show his Perk amount on my character sheet. Is...
  8. Tsewe

    Casualties Report

    Hello everyone Just here to ask if there is any option to Disable Casualties Report during battles? I think it's so overwhelming in big battles, you can't see a damn thing because of those messages. Or is there any mod for that? To remove them or make them smaller? Haven't found any either...
  9. Closed War Report UI

    Summary: How to Reproduce: Look at the war report while at war. Have you used cheats and if so which: I use mods Scene Name (if related): War Report Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS: Windows 10 V 10.0.19044 Build 19044 GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070 GPU Driver Version: 512.15 CPU: Ryzen 7...
  10. ZianaHuntress

    SP - UI Army Management screen needs a hotkey

    The Army Management screen appears to be the only Campaign-level major element not accessible with a hotkey, but only by clicking the flag icon at lower-right. (By all means correct me if I'm wrong). Solution: - Add a hotkey setting to the Hotkeys options screen for Army Management (default: M...
  11. SP - UI Party Size on pop-up QoL improvement

    When player hovers their mouse cursor over the size of their Party, a helpful pop-up shows the size of their forces, wounded and prisoners. I would like to also have this pop-up include the current maximum allowable. I created a helpful image attachment to illustrate my suggestion. Created...
  12. SP - UI Create custom formation by selecting troop

    As TW prefer easy and simple systems. Please allow us to create custom formations by just clicking on one of troops that we have in party. After that all of that troops should join that formation (number could be still adjustable by slider).
  13. Farticle

    MP Make the default screen in the Play section the server browser

    Your matchmaking doesn't work, until it does change the default screen in the Play section to the server list. I've seen new players on Steam that can't find a game with your dumb matchmaking and assume Multiplayer straight up doesn't happen at all (as opposed to the sad reality of the servers...
  14. Lesbosisles

    SP - UI Quest effects should be in the quest log

    Hello, everyone! I remeber some time ago I had a little conversation with @Duh_TaleWorlds here, on the forums. From that discussion it was found out the settlement issues give bonuses to a settlement of you complete them (raising security, loyalty, pros, hearths etc.). Unfortunately, such a...
  15. LordCnut

    SP - Battles & Sieges Battle and Siege UI + feature suggestions

    I took some time to refine some of my ideas from this post and illustrate them. This is specifically about the ideas for pre-battle deployment UI and management-feature additions during sieges and battles. Siege UI and feature suggestion: Allow us to assign units directly to walls, towers...
  16. Encyclopedia button

    Hello ! Would it be possible to add a real "Encyclopedia" button on the UI, why not near the "Character" or "Inventory" ones (and why not with a book icon) ? Encyclopedia is a fundamental feature, and it still has no button (only a simple "N" key...). Thank you Taleworlds, keep us informed ! :)
  17. synida

    Resolved FIXME: Overlapping UI elements in clan parties menu tab

    Summary: Priority selector and disband party button overlapping each other in the clan menu parties tab. See attached picture. How to Reproduce: I'm going to attach a save file as well so you don't have to generate one. Have you used...
  18. Helerek

    Was food details for town/castle removed?

    Why was this feature removed or am I missing something about how to see the details of food consumption by town/castles? /edit Holding shift/alt/ctrl doesn't show more info.
  19. deuxhero

    SP - UI Ability to write numbers in slider-based UI elements

    Currently sliders are very precise (chargen even goes into decimals!) which can be annoying when you're trying to get an exact number. Current standouts for this are character generation, unit percentage in order of battle, companion party's wage maximum, money/bulk goods in bartering with...
  20. Resolved Can't create kingdom

    Summary: I was part of khuzaits and after capturing half the north and southern empire I decided to start my own kingdom I left the khuzaits but before I left I took out all my garrisons about 1500 men and gave them to my clan members then I teleported to poros and attacked the city took it for...
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