Resolved Troop groups reset when receiving troops of the same kind from a companion party

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: If you have a stack of a given troop, and a companion party has a stack of that same kind of troop (e.g. Vlandian banner knights), and if you've given that stack in your party a group other than the default group (e.g. Group :cool:, then whenever you take one of those troops from your companion's party into your own, the stack in your party will have its group reset to the default.

How to Reproduce: In the party window, set Vlandian banner knights to Group 8, then give one of them to a companion's party. Close the transfer window, re-open it, and take that knight back. Note that your stack of banner knights is now back to Group 3.

save you used cheats and if so which: No
This is so very true. The game should handle the unit groups in a way that the group the player assigned to each troop type should be kept as an independent variable, not as a variable of the party of the player.
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