Transporting prisoners doesn't always slow you down

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Well I just discovered something I never knew about 5 seconds ago. Now you may or may not know that the speed at which your party moves is the taken average of which all your units move. Infantry's speed is governed by their agility and cavalry by their riding ability, consequently this is why the horse you ride has no impact. Now it appears that prisoners are also factored into this. Im using an all infantry army and I had 9 desert cavalry as prisoner. I was moving at a speed of 5.4 and thought I know I will sell my prisoners, I sold them and my speed dropped to 5.3. This is because they were infact faster then my ground troops and boosting the average.

There you go a little fact for the day which you may not of been aware of. I always thought prisoners would slow me down what ever as you have to watch them etc. It appears they are most willing prisoners.

I could have an infantry army moving at lightspeed with Khergit Prisoners.

I presume an explanation would be that the infantry 'borrow' the prisoners' horses.
Pretty much, if you crack up your prissoner management you could easily have an extra 20 horses speeding you along. Also I have my prison management to 8 prisoners a pop instead of 5 which is even better for me :razz:
Interesting :smile:
Of course, a larger party will also slow travel down, regardless of horses, so it's a question of finding the sweet spot.
Mikan said:
I presume an explanation would be that the infantry 'borrow' the prisoners' horses.

And ransom brokers have a policy of not accepting cavalry prisoners unless they also get their horses.
someboddy said:
Mikan said:
I presume an explanation would be that the infantry 'borrow' the prisoners' horses.

And ransom brokers have a policy of not accepting cavalry prisoners unless they also get their horses.
where they be going they wont need horses...
salt mine near the fourwaysInn !
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