This time last week we were all excited

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and yet people forget warband was in a bad state when IT CAME OUT.....give it time peeps they news that came with the release date for bannerlord stated *if you want the full experience wait until its out of EA*
Not disappointed, it was released as Early Access so I had full awareness that things weren't finished, buggy, crashy etc. Never imagined all things would be implemented. I should say I wouldn't recommend early access, it'll be a nicer experience playing it first time when complete rather than exhausting it now and then having game fatigue by the time it's done.

Personally not had a single crash as of yet (luckily), and while I see plenty of placeholders and some frustrations (about companion levels meaning can't level them up and they can't really gain some attributes), overall it's a solid base lacking finesse and details.

Things I dislike are while watching some Twitch Streaming (which can be very enjoyable). I'm happy its getting exposure and people are enjoying, but also disappointed to see some say "this game is so fkin broken" while they're literally ignoring game mechanics and repeatedly doing the SAME THING - e.g. "I've a horse why can't i catch these bandits who are on foot across the map" *rage* - erm, because groups go as fast as the slowest unit? You can see what constitutes your speed, but they don't. They just rage. 2 days later they're still ranting the same thing - chasing 5 men with 50, of which only themself is a mounted unit. Yeah, "broken game"...
Or having entirely low level horse army and meeting spear men "this game is so broken". Or units without shields rushing open ground to attach archers... Really, units can be tailored to counter various things, and you can order them around to achieve just that. Stop stock piling one type and then complaining when you meet units designed to counter them!

Overall the game itself is very thin at present, it's missing a lot, but it's (for me) solid and a great start - as it's Early Access. Some are disappointed as it's not finished (it's early access, you bought it as such), and some claim it's broken when what they're complaining about specifically *isn't* broken.

If you're disappointed, stop playing, give it 3-6 months, then try again; basically, wait for it to become full access? Try playing when it's the actual release version? If that's not good enough, then learn your damned lesson - you bought early access! :grin:

p.s. Wondering if some are thinking of warband + mods instead of vanilla warband when making comparisons online btw.
I'd like to remind you of something. There is this game, praised by many as the best game of the century, called The Witcher 3.

Upon release (full release. Not early access or beta) it was nicknamed "The Glitcher 3".

Uhm... did i miss something? Witcher 3 was never in Early Access and the Beta was completely intern... Do you have more of those fairy tale stories?
Uhm... did i miss something? Witcher 3 was never in Early Access and the Beta was completely intern... Do you have more of those fairy tale stories?
If you read what you quoted again... and by read and again i mean read precisely what you quoted. Again. As you answer your own question about "did i miss something".
This time last week we were all excited for Bannerlord, wondering what it would be like, how it would compare with Warband. Oh how our dreams were crushed. I mean, it's ok, but it's not as solid as Warband.

Talk for yourself.
I have 50 hours currently, i had 0 crashes and game runs pretty fluid on my mid-range PC.
Yeh i do have performance issues specially in sieges, but, nothing to serious.
So, speaking for me, im really happy with the game.
We have no reason to not be extremely excited still. Taleworlds has demonstrated that they are capable of correcting issues and the rate of patches has allowed the game to improve at breakneck pace.
I'm stuck in self isolation for the next 3 months so the timing couldn't be better. And personally I'm loving it still now after hammering it all week. It isn't perfect but I was never expecting it to be. One thing that did stun me is how many mods there are already though and what some are doing already (modding is looking to have a exciting future imo), I've got a couple installed to improve things a little (tournament xp and a crossbow tweak mod) while we wait, since I would be equally stunned if we see alot of balance changes coming considering the crashes and performance problems people have had.
I'd like to remind you of something. There is this game, praised by many as the best game of the century, called The Witcher 3.

Upon release (full release. Not early access or beta) it was nicknamed "The Glitcher 3". Horrible bugs, crashes, stuttering, crazy stuff happening ALL THE TIME preventing many from playing, even those that had built warmachines just to play that long awaited game.

Now ? The game is incredibly stable, has 2 DLC that got praised for their quality, and is a monument of the videogame industry. And the people that cried on forums that this game was a scam and a scandal are now praising it as the best experience of their life.

Here we are not even at full release. We are one week past the EA release, which, like it or not, means exactly this : "This game is not finished, has bugs and issues, and may not work". If your dreams was to have an EA product working like a fully released product, yes, your dreams were crushed, but your dreams were unrealistic to begin with.

Let me tell you what "my dreams" were for this game.
- I wanted to find the M&B spirit that i enjoy so much. I did, and i'm waiting for more.
- I wanted to find out what new features were included. I did, and i'm waiting for more (because there WILL be more).
- I wanted to find out about the new factions we were teased about. I did, and i'm waiting for more.
- I wanted to see if devs would listen to critics and pleads. They did, and i'm waiting for more.

So concerning this game, our "dreams" did not get crush, they have been expanded, because the M&B Bannerlord experience has, in truth, only begun, and considering the premise that has been given to us, i think it's safe to say that it will be a fun ride.

If, however, you think that getting a game piece by piece, and not being able to play it instantly is frustrating and "dream crushing", let it rest for a few months, stay away from EA, and come back at full release, and chances are you'll not be disappointed.
p.s. Wondering if some are thinking of warband + mods instead of vanilla warband when making comparisons online btw.

And why should I not consider mods when making comparisons? Would you assume it to make any sense for Bannerlord to come out after having stuff like Diplomacy not integrated by default, at least in some version that is inspired by it?
The mods are there, there's been 8 years to see the good and the bad they brought and integrate them where necessary or appropriate.
Oh come on, why even post this when you know your view isn't universally shared? The game has 85% positive reviews on Steam and I personally think its far better than Warband. What are you trying to do, discourage the development team?

It's early access. I know critics don't like to hear that but it's true. Since it's such a large, community driven game, we are seeing a part of development that many games don't show. Of course there are features missing, that's the point. When testing, you don't test all the features at once because there's too many variables when something goes wrong. You start with the core mechanics and add more features once everything is working properly. Then when something breaks, you know it has something to do with the recently added feature. The Bannerlord engine is new, so there's a lot of ironing out to do. Why not make early access private? Because they get way more data this way and speeds up development.
Not ****ting on this person but alot of those positive reviews are meme reviews like "I'M CONSOOOOOOOMING"
I think the main issue is that the default character presets all come across unrealistic and cartoony so everyone ends up looking in that style and being very broad. Each faction should have realistic presets from the start
There's a loooooot of groundwork to be laid before the art is going to be the dealbreaker for me. What we have right now would not be acceptable in a finished game, but I'm sure they're fully aware of this and are working on it just like everything else.
It is early access and I'm having a great time playing it already. I'm encouraged by the daily patches and I expect once there's longer term stability the modding community is going to get at it too. Taleworlds delivered.
Nearly 100 hours in the game and I'm still excited. For someone to say their "dreams were crushed" is asinine and makes me question your rational thinking.

Name me another game that has the intricacies that this game has and has the developers putting out patches regularly. Is the game perfect? No, but it's still a work in progress. There's been other great game that released in early access and made continual updates. I'm very grateful that the devs put this in early access because it allows players to give instant feedback. It would be a different situation if this were the full release.
Actually I'm pretty impressed with this EA.

Last week, I felt like a kid when the game was about to be released, did not sleep much. I spent 12h day 1, and boy what a perfect day it was, raining outside.
Then I saw the flaws and why it's an EA. And I realized why they told us they planned to keep it 1 year in EA, which I thought was a lot. But now, having played the game 30h+, I totally understand why, and I am thrilled to see what the game will be in 1 year!

The chore mechanics are excellent, graphics and sounds are insane. I can't wait to see what they'll do this whole year. So I only have encouragements for TW and their hard working team.
It need some tweaks but its nothing that requires to basically remake the game. If they focus more on the Sandbox and RPG elements damn sure people will bask this game into praises. The combat animations and combat in general feels good, graphics are nice, the sieges are fun. But the cons are the AI requiring a lots of tweaks because they are brain dead at the moment, allowing players to have more freedom instead of passively aggressive telling then to raise a noble family and conquer territory instead of letting people tell their own story like the previous game.
People complaining about the EA thing, like if they put in EA the devs are not satisfied with the current state of the game, is kinda dumb to go doom saying instead of preparing feedback for the CM.
Dispite it's EA, dispite their great achivements in game mechanics, graphics and their passion to the game development, patience and close listening of players opinions: how could they roll out the game with so obvious and detected in 48 hours in real time playing bugs? Such as unworking skills, already implemented dialog streams? Bugs, that are not depending on pc setup or bugs that are right up on a surface, visable practicaly from the start of gameplay? That is ONE AND ONLY thing that pisses me out. Don't get me wrong, I'm very greatful that they have rolled out a new brilliant part of the game, pleased for their unstopable and energetic work to fitch up broken peaces of code.
Nearly 100 hours in the game and I'm still excited. For someone to say their "dreams were crushed" is asinine and makes me question your rational thinking.

Name me another game that has the intricacies that this game has and has the developers putting out patches regularly. Is the game perfect? No, but it's still a work in progress. There's been other great game that released in early access and made continual updates. I'm very grateful that the devs put this in early access because it allows players to give instant feedback. It would be a different situation if this were the full release.

I think a lot of them don't remember what the original games were like before they were fully released. If they claim that Warband was any better pre-release, then I can say with certainty that they didn't play it at that time.

What I will say, is that TaleWorlds made a huge mistake announcing Bannerlord when they did, because they clearly hadn't even laid the groundwork for the engine at that time. Their second big mistake - and in my opinion the worst - was in not being more honest and upfront with their fans, who could only speculate as to why the game was taking so long.
I think a lot of them don't remember what the original games were like before they were fully released. If they claim that Warband was any better pre-release, then I can say with certainty that they didn't play it at that time.

What I will say, is that TaleWorlds made a huge mistake announcing Bannerlord when they did, because they clearly hadn't even laid the groundwork for the engine at that time. Their second big mistake - and in my opinion the worst - was in not being more honest and upfront with their fans, who could only speculate as to why the game was taking so long.
I think this is fair. And honestly the very computer that I'm typing on was built back in 2016 because I thought Bannerlord would release within a year or two. I would have waited a tad longer to build a computer if I'd known.

However I think maybe TaleWorlds wasn't comfortable with the initial version of Bannerlord and went back to the drawing board. While it delayed the game, I think the decision was a good one if this is the result. The foundation of this game is strong and seems to allow the developers a lot of flexibility.
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