This promocional video means that the realese date is near?

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Just so you know, they plan to make more content like this ingame, this is pretty nice to be honest, I didn't expect this.

It'd be more enjoyable if other, more important content came first though. However, I understand this probably took them little effort and that's why it was done, but still...

Well quite honestly, it's difficult to not criticise the development of this game, we have to make our voices heard somehow.

Wait a second...are you the real Artem?

Most liked comment explains it all :lol:

Just so you know, they plan to make more content like this ingame, this is pretty nice to be honest, I didn't expect this.
it is pretty nice but - is it a good time to include this, given the actual state of the game? I definitely dont think so!

This is polish level stuff, the game is deep in the rough though!

Movie at the end, 'content' at the beginning. (i mean to say 'game content', not, 'content content')
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