This problem is ruining the game for a huge amount of players

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Does it get more clickbait than this?
Not clickbait, many people experience these server issues with no actual defining reason, and like Wolfgeist they do not experience them in any other multiplayer game....

On another note, the actual madlad Wolf-man showing us how to mad frag by predicting where his opponent will be two seconds in the future... An actual legend..
Does it get more clickbait than this?

I did try to make the title stand out, but you have to understand how incredibly frustrating it is.Any new players will have a hard enough time just with the game itself and the learning curve, if they experience this they will almost certainly stop playing, and they might not know why it's so hard.
This. Yes. This. WEST COAST SERVERS WHEN? D: PLEASE DEVS. At least give us a timeline, or something that says you know about this issue, or that you care about this issue. </3
This. Yes. This. WEST COAST SERVERS WHEN? D: PLEASE DEVS. At least give us a timeline, or something that says you know about this issue, or that you care about this issue. </3

I think that east and west coast servers might split the playerbase up a bit too much which is why I called for central servers.

There was a guy playing from SWITZERLAND, across the Atlantic Ocean who had a better connection to NA than I do, someone who lives in between 2 of the largest economic areas in all of NA.
@WOLFGEIST Which program is used in the video, to make mouse and keyboard actions visible?

I got it so I could look back and review clips in slow motion to see if I was blocking correctly or if it was the lag/packet loss causing me to miss blocks.

I got it so I could look back and review clips in slow motion to see if I was blocking correctly or if it was the lag/packet loss causing me to miss blocks.

Thanks a lot! Iwas searching for exactly a program like this! :grin: Is there a way I can put this program in foreground, so I can see the keys while playing Bannerlord?
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