The Original L'Aigle Thread, for the sake of history. Be ye warned.

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I think the rank system and salary will be handled like in the Last Days Of Third Age, in which when you fight with the enemy or do some quests for your faction, you gain rank points. When accumulated enough rank points, you advance in rank. The higher rank, the more money you get every week.

But that's just my humble opinion.
General von Hiller said:

I wonder if you can tell us all obtainable Ranks, especially the Austrian ones, if there is any difference with, for example, British Ranks

I believe what he is referring to is the actual title of the ranks, not the ranking system in general. I too am a bit curious, I'm guessing they'll be historical ranks obtainable  by rankers, and purchasable commissions for Officers?
CommanderBlush said:
I believe what he is referring to is the actual title of the ranks, not the ranking system in general. I too am a bit curious, I'm guessing they'll be historical ranks obtainable  by rankers, and purchasable commissions for Officers?
Tht's exactly what I mean. Would be cool to be a fancy Feldmarschall of the Kaisertum Österreich  :cool:
Hazzardevil said:
Epicrules said:
Doesn't steam workshop have a 200mb upload limit? If that's still the case, the chance of the mod finding itself there is likely very slim.
What if it was split into several parts?

I dont recommend that. If this mod is over 1gb which i think it is. Then you have to download 5 parts which is on my opinion annoying and unneeded. I would say that this mod would be 1.4gb if not more
masterborn12 said:
Hazzardevil said:
Epicrules said:
Doesn't steam workshop have a 200mb upload limit? If that's still the case, the chance of the mod finding itself there is likely very slim.
What if it was split into several parts?
  I dont recommend that. If this mod is over 1gb which i think it is. Then you have to download 5 parts which is on my opinion annoying and unneeded. I would say that this mod would be 1.4gb if not more
If he generally will...  :mrgreen:
Hazzardevil said:
Epicrules said:
Doesn't steam workshop have a 200mb upload limit? If that's still the case, the chance of the mod finding itself there is likely very slim.
What if it was split into several parts?

From what I've read each mod has an ID attached to the end of it due to Workshop, so it's not possible. So instead of "L'aigle v1", you'd get "L'aigle v1-214123", and each person has a different number. This makes multiplayer mods not possible, either since the modules technically have different names.
Ililsa said:
As I recall, it's three. A thrust and two swings.

I thought it would work like The Eagle and Radiant Cross did. When you press the hotkey, you switch the gun out for the same model that functions exactly like a spear. The stab is the downward attack, two directional swings, and one overhead. Seems like it'd be the easiest way for the bayonets to function.
cah150 said:
Ililsa said:
As I recall, it's three. A thrust and two swings.

I thought it would work like The Eagle and Radiant Cross did. When you press the hotkey, you switch the gun out for the same model that functions exactly like a spear. The stab is the downward attack, two directional swings, and one overhead. Seems like it'd be the easiest way for the bayonets to function.

Who in real life would ever use bayonet like a club?
This is true. Although a broken bayonet and no ammo would leave you with a rather weighty club (I said as if a broken bayonet alternative should apply with a functional blade...).

I know when I've said something stupid...
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