SP Modern Apocalypse 'The Dead Rise' (Another Zombie Mod... but with a twist you won't expect...)

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Yes. Another one. Don't worry; I won't ask for contributions or anything of that sort unless you're actually interested.


The year is 2015... humanity has suffered a tragic fate; much of it has been reduced to a legion of creatures that seem human, but aren't...

The most disturbing thing is that those who fall prey to this plague and die are reborn without any damage to their brain, except to the speech centre. They are virtually indistinguishable from normal humans... except for the fact that they will not communicate with uninfected humans in any manner.

These creatures are single minded in their goal, but with their human intelligence driving them, they are extremely dangerous. They seem to transmit the Virus by inflicting open wounds with their teeth and nails.

They seem to be controlled by the Plague which seems to drive them to infect more humans, though they are able to perform normal actions. They are known to be able to do the tasks they could do in life. Pilots can fly aircraft, soldiers can use guns, and demolitionists can frighteningly remember how to use explosives.

The creatures cannot learn to solve problems or do things that they didn't do in life, unless they are extremely basic. An infected person could jump over a barricade if it was possible for someone of their body type to do so in life, but they could not learn to operate machinery or even something as simple as guns; their basic instnct to spread the infection affects most parts of the brian, but does not affect the part which stores the memory of how to do things (such as walking, riding a bicycle, etc) or the primitive brain. The infection seems to inhibit the brain's abillity to create new neural pathways.

There are several groups which make up the 'Defenders' - What is left of humanity. They have banded together to make a stand against the infected. The groups include:

Militia Defence Force, those in it are nicknamed 'civvies' (civilians) by soldiers - Civilians who managed to escape the horror and employ improvised weapons (crowbars, shovels, chainsaws, etc) and handguns, such as the American M9 pistol (these guns were found in the USA in ample suppy) and were brought back to the final refuge of humaity: Australia. The MDF is poorly trained and so individual MDF members are easily overcome by superior numbers.

Amalgamated Forces of Law Enforcement - Yep, the boys in blue have survived... or at least some of them have. Armed with shotguns, pistols and riot sticks, they'll put up a good fight and thanks to their training, they'll fight with discipline, even under duress.

The United Army of the World - These soldiers are armed with sniper rifles, pistols (sidearms), assault rifles and sometimes submachine guns. Their protective gear is tough but light and restricts their movement very little. If they end up in hand-to-hand combat, they'll either try to break their foe's neck or stab them with their knives.

The Black Eagles - Tough and cynical, these humans were formerly elite soldiers from all over the world. They are a diverse group, but are always armed heavily, fight with great discipline and kill themselves and any nearby enemies with their grenades if they become infected. They have seen what has happened to their friends and teammates and have vowed never to allow that to happen to them. They are extremely skilled with most firearms and at close range, they fight with large knives or machetes.

Shades - Enigmatic. Fearless. Unstoppable. These three words sum up soldiers who are better than the best. They are the ultimate soldiers. Their faces never register fear, not even against odds which would cause a veteran to flee in terror. With their extremely gruelling training and their years of fighting the infected, they are as close to a Godsend as you will find on the Earth today. These soldiers are armed with the most deadly weapons; barettes, the Shade Uzi (heavily modifed and deadly as a cobra with a nasty temper), Apocalpypse class assasult rifles (They've been modified so that they fire bullets extremely rapidly and reloading is an extremely short process (for a Shade, probably 1.5 seconds or less). There are also rumours of an even deadlier gun, but the Shades aren't exactly talkative. In hand-to-hand combat, they use weapons that people have nicnamed 'Bloodspiillers'. They are about halfway between a large knive and a machete and the Shades can easily slit the throats of their enemies with these deadly, razor-sharp blades.

If you happen to have any comments on the recent additions, post them here, but if you happen to want to discuss this mod with me personally, then PM me. :wink:
ANOTHER zombie mod  :roll:
Anyway, good luck whit it, you will need to pass the zombie mod's curse.
I'm not sure if the "look like humans" is just a plan to stop the need for making zombies. But that isn't really important.

I'm actually making a zombie-necron-alien mod for BF2142, but thats not important either.

Anyway, do you have an experience with the module system?
One of thousands Zombies Mods :lol:. I don't know, why those mods are so popular. Anyway, I wish you good luck.
Sounds alot like the biological weapon used against the Chinese in Olaf Stapledons first and last men. Good stuff, although you could skip past the "Zombie" thing and just have it as a virus with mad neurotoxic skillz (ala twenty-eight days later).
Hm... thanks for the feedback.

I am planning to learn the whole module system from scratch once I have gotten through my horrible exams. Yeah. It'll take a while, but then again, I don't plan to start releasing it any time soon... :wink:

Hm... ok, maybe I should scrap the term zombie...

Oh and something disturbing about this whole idea is that I had a kind of nightmare about it... it was short and all I remember was seeing a line of people from a place atop a high place (possibly a cliff)... I got the sense that some of the people in the line were infected and others weren't. I could feel a strong sense of dread, too, even though I didn't feel that I was in immediate danger.

Doesn't make much sense... to me either... but seems like a decent idea for a mod, though... at least the first step in the process; getting the idea for the mod.

Don't expect instant results, but I will try to throw in some more history for this mod until I start getting into the module system. :wink:
Iberon said:
I thought the twist was going to be that this mod would be finished.
Now that would be a twist! And of course, the very best of luck to you, Incontinent_Knight.
I seem to recall Cartread having a similar ethic. Isn't a bad one either.

Anyway, TIK, remember to work to M&Bs strengths and limitations, start off small and get your previously called zombies in, a gun or two, and work from there. I think you could use more memorable names than a bunch of acronyms. Instead of FPD for Former Police Departments, for example, why not Black Mariah?

And good luck.
good luck on this cursed genre (i.e. everyone who has tried this has failed)
and kudos for having the courage to take up such a big challenge.
Oubliette said:
I seem to recall Cartread having a similar ethic. Isn't a bad one either.

Anyway, TIK, remember to work to M&Bs strengths and limitations, start off small and get your previously called zombies in, a gun or two, and work from there. I think you could use more memorable names than a bunch of acronyms. Instead of FPD for Former Police Departments, for example, why not Black Mariah?

And good luck.

Because racism is not a good quality.  :grin:

I agree with you, however, after all, who remembers the "UED"? No one. Everyone, however, remembers the Terran  :smile:
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