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But... Sturmpanzers...

David Dire said:
But... Sturmpanzers...


In 1945 zey vur imprisoned und putt on trial for crimes zey didn't commit (vell, zey did actually, but anyvey...). But some of zem escaped to South Amerika, and vent back in time to a vor ven ze Germans vur not zort of as ze nasty men, und used zeir makeshiften little tanks to help ze oppressed and put upon of ze vurld to fight back...

If you live in ze early part of ze twentieth century und need help, und nobody else vill help you, maybe you can hire- ze Germans!
Bluehawk said:
Playing as a Soviet tank commander in IF : "Vpered, bystryy, bystryy. Na sleva, na sleva! Stoy i metrov! Na pravo, na pravo! STOY!! ... Vrazheskiy tank.. Vpered, bystryy, bystryy, bystryy vy kozel!

Not even the Bolsheviks could slaughter Russian this bad.
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