One thing that has always dobe my head in about Bannerlord is why do our kids take so long to mature. The legal age in the UK is 16, yet kids on Bannerlord done mature until 18. A lot of the time you can conquer most of Calradia before even one of your kids reach 18, especially on the easier difficulties. The in game AI's are always too aggressive to take your time Conquering Calradia peace between factions doesn't last long enough for a long drawn-out game. Especially if you plan on founding your own kingdom, the AI rarely backs off. So you are forced to wipe them out just to get left alone.
With all of the above in mind, could you please either make the childrens mature age 16, or do something about how aggressive the AI is. It would be nice to be able to take my time and develop my clan properly. Instead of having to power level it just so i can found my own kingdom befthe other factions get too strong. Im not the type of player that likes to betray people to foubd a kingdom.i like to either take over the rebels or declare war on whichever faction im playing as. Which means im always rushing my clans development. Would it be possible to lower the AI's aggressiveness. The last time i played Bannerlord i had wiped out, Battania, the Western Empire and sturgia before my heir was even 15, and the Aeseri only had 3 city's left. All because they refused to stop declaring war on me for 5 mins. Even if the AI was only changed for Sandbox mode it would at least give players who like taking their time a option to do so. Thanks for reading
With all of the above in mind, could you please either make the childrens mature age 16, or do something about how aggressive the AI is. It would be nice to be able to take my time and develop my clan properly. Instead of having to power level it just so i can found my own kingdom befthe other factions get too strong. Im not the type of player that likes to betray people to foubd a kingdom.i like to either take over the rebels or declare war on whichever faction im playing as. Which means im always rushing my clans development. Would it be possible to lower the AI's aggressiveness. The last time i played Bannerlord i had wiped out, Battania, the Western Empire and sturgia before my heir was even 15, and the Aeseri only had 3 city's left. All because they refused to stop declaring war on me for 5 mins. Even if the AI was only changed for Sandbox mode it would at least give players who like taking their time a option to do so. Thanks for reading