Subforum Moderator Roles

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If you were the moderator of a subboard before the forum transition and you would like those permissions granted to you again, please leave a reply in this thread and we will reassign them.
EV and I were both on Prophesy of Pendor.

Saxondragon as well.

Sorry for the delay, there was a little confusion on my part. Seems you were all set as moderators of those sections already but didn't actually have any permissions set. Should all be fixed now, let me know if you have any more issues.
Should all be fixed now, let me know if you have any more issues.
I do. :smile:
I can edit/delete/etc. but not merge threads. As I was told, it's done by ticking 2 thread like this

Bu I simply don't have those...check marks.
Should be fixed for the both of you now (hopefully!).

If anyone else needs the merge thread permission, leave a reply here and we will assign it to you as soon as we can. Otherwise, you will have to wait until we find the time to work through the full list of moderators and fix it for everyone.
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