Sound **** turns itself off

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I have a laptop and without dolby home theatre activated the sound volume is really low.

But for some reason it keeps deactivating itself. It started recently and I haven't really made any changes to the computer.

update: It seems to be related to my mouse disconnecting (bad wiring).
Look up your laptop model and see if other people have a similar problem.

If it were my laptop, I would make a fresh OS install to make sure there is as little 3rd party crap (like some unnecessary dolby audio interference) on there as possible. -- if you do this, make sure you have a copy of the network driver just in case it's not in the default W7 install.
I googled it already. There be nothing. It turns off whenever I plug/unplug my mouse, which is weird. Maybe USB related somehow... I don't know. How the **** a sound program is connected to a mouse is beyond me.
Check your Mixer. It could be that Windows is ****ing up and thinking that the mouse is an audio recording device. If this is the case, every time you attach/remove a device, Windows will artificially lower your volume because it thinks you're making a call or something.

If this happens, right click your speakers thing, select Playback Devices, go to Communications then select the "Do nothing" radio button. Apply and you should have no more problems.
Yeah, but it doesn't lower the volume per se. It turns off home theatre, which also happens to lower the volume. And it doesn't turn it back on again. But it stopped happening so we may never know what the true cause was! Thanks for the help anyway
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