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We cannot have a mod without such a thread, can we? Post your screenshots or videos here, but please keep the off-topic minimal.

So, I'll start.
We got some Vikings raiding our town. They were too many, so we couldn't fight them off. They eventually managed to get in the chest room and started to destroy it, but in they somehow teamkilled one of their mates in the process.
Here is what I discovered when I came in:

And since I'm the OP guy, I can also double post. :razz:

So, yesterday I decided to join Wessex. Our faction was quite unstable player-wise, but we managed to keep around 7-10 men, most of whom were ceorls. The atmosphere was always warmed up when the Vikings came to play in, because we barely had anything to defend ourselves with. We were 2 archers (including me) and 2-3 horsemen (who were mostly busy helping Northumbria fence off the Viking raids). My roles in the faction were rather doubled or tripled, for the fact that I had to be an archer, a scout and a town guard, but I guess I did it rather well.

My action story started when I was watching the cliffs of Wessex, overlooking the North Sea. I kept reporting every movement of the Vikings, until I saw one of their ships sailing towards the open seas.

The Vikings' ship eventually landed by the cliffs. I was staying low in order not to be spotted by the incoming attackers. When the troops finally hit the ground, they didn't know that someone was already waiting for them. I unleashed around 30 arrows with my Short Bow towards them, killing one archer and wounding multiple footmen. This forced them to a halt for around 1-2 minutes, which gave time for the remaining people in Wessex to flee. Eventually, some of their hardened warriors started approaching me, so I fled to the town and closed the doors.

It was just me there inside, along with the enemies, and since I wanted to be an annoyance, I climbed on top of a house, and started another shootout, then finally fled the town.

The Vikings eventually raided the castle, but the treasury was already empty.

After all these events, I finally started to see a pattern here, and decided to continue my sneaky attacks. During one of their next raids, the Vikings were about to leave Wessex by ship. I knew where the ship was, so I went there and hid myself by a nearby cliff, waiting for them to board.

When they sailed, I immediately poped up and started shooting from behind. Surprise.

Men of Lundenwic fighting off the Heathen settlers of Kent! There was about 15 or so of them outside that Keep baying for blood! What a fight!
The Bowman said:
And since I'm the OP guy, I can also double post. :razz:

So, yesterday I decided to join Wessex. Our faction was quite unstable player-wise, but we managed to keep around 7-10 men, most of whom were ceorls. The atmosphere was always warmed up when the Vikings came to play in, because we barely had anything to defend ourselves with. We were 2 archers (including me) and 2-3 horsemen (who were mostly busy helping Northumbria fence off the Viking raids). My roles in the faction were rather doubled or tripled, for the fact that I had to be an archer, a scout and a town guard, but I guess I did it rather well.

My action story started when I was watching the cliffs of Wessex, overlooking the North Sea. I kept reporting every movement of the Vikings, until I saw one of their ships sailing towards the open seas.

The Vikings' ship eventually landed by the cliffs. I was staying low in order not to be spotted by the incoming attackers. When the troops finally hit the ground, they didn't know that someone was already waiting for them. I unleashed around 30 arrows with my Short Bow towards them, killing one archer and wounding multiple footmen. This forced them to a halt for around 1-2 minutes, which gave time for the remaining people in Wessex to flee. Eventually, some of their hardened warriors started approaching me, so I fled to the town and closed the doors.

It was just me there inside, along with the enemies, and since I wanted to be an annoyance, I climbed on top of a house, and started another shootout, then finally fled the town.

The Vikings eventually raided the castle, but the treasury was already empty.

After all these events, I finally started to see a pattern here, and decided to continue my sneaky attacks. During one of their next raids, the Vikings were about to leave Wessex by ship. I knew where the ship was, so I went there and hid myself by a nearby cliff, waiting for them to board.

When they sailed, I immediately poped up and started shooting from behind. Surprise.
Macar stiu ca cineva se distreaza, lol eu nici macar nu pot intra pe propria harta/mapa :\  chiar si la calitate grafica mica "0"
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