B Tutorial 3D Rigging Armours and how to get your Gloves working

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Sergeant Knight
I put this up on moddb because a guy didnt know how to do these and then I made a tutorial for him so he can then learn how to do it. This will be a copy from the moddb one, obviously.

As Asked by jaceace84 , Here it is a tutorial that will tell you how to rigg armours and make gloves.

Part 1: Rigging an armour

So to start, Ill do the armour part first. Start off by importing your armour into openbrf, ok it should look like this by itself. Now notice that there isnt extra information below where it says ruler.

Now notice the next picture. I will now import an animated armour, and then copy the riggings and then paste them over domons suit.

See the copy frame where it is highlighted, click that then select your armour and then click paste riggings. Done, now see in the next image, domons suit now says animations under ruler which means your new armour now has been rigged, simple as that.

See, the proof is there. Next I will do how to make gloves.
I will do that at a later time, its kinda late.

Part 2: Making Gloves

Now we will do the gloves part, ok the first thing you must have is a left hand glove and a right hand glove. Ok, each hand can have up to three frames, flat out hand, slightly curled and last grapple mode like when holding a weapon. You dont need to have three frames you can have just one, which the best choice would  be the grapple which is most commonly used.

When you have your two gloves it should looks like this. Notice the name of the left and right gloves is like, lthr_glove_blackguy_L and lthr_glove_blackguy_R  that is the way you should name your gloves, for you it would be e.g. lthr_glove_myglove_L and the same for the right glove. Now how to add them into the item kinds.

Just load up the item kinds txt file and copy and paste the leather glove down to a new entry at the bottom. It should look like this:

Notice the highlighted area, always put your left hand glove name in the area which it loads the model. Thats basically it so give the item to someone and load it up ingame. If anyone has ran into any problems. Here is the picture of the gloves on the guy.

This entire image is from another mod that I started before I started making the Code Geass mod for super power 2. After I complete the Code Geass mod I will return to work on this but can anyone guess what this mod is, Good Luck.

Could someone move this tothe unofficial tutorials section, please.
Which part, obviously the rigging part works perfectly as you really just have to copy and paste the rigging so I guess it must be the gloves part. If it isnt working right which part, if there is please tell so I can fix but I made sure it would work right.
That's true. If I use a man_body rigging on a mesh that is much different (say a tabard) it will look really odd...
yea I know, happened when I made the DG soldier with spike coming out of his body. Some where bent around the place and I had to remove some.
Beobart said:
If you change the mesh, your rigging trick will not work in the right way.

This just happened to me, how ever the mesh is only slightly changed, it's a tunic and i made the bottom longer. Now my soldiers have funny shaped arms. How do i edit it manually to work right?
Don't have a clue as iv'e never manually did rigging so it would be better to ask at the forge. Always try to copy the rigging from a similar object so copy from something else with a tunic.
xPearse said:
Don't have a clue as iv'e never manually did rigging so it would be better to ask at the forge. Always try to copy the rigging from a similar object so copy from something else with a tunic.

I worked out that you can edit a model and leave the rigging intact so long as you don't edit the rigged part of the model. In my case i needed to make a coat longer, initially i stretched the bottom of the model but that made the rigging go mad, now I just created a separate object to make the longer part out of, joined the object, copied the rigging like in your guide, and the rigging is working still.

If you add new vertecies or create a new model from scratch you have to weight the vertecies. Each vertex has a weight attached to it for one or more bones. The weight determines how much the bone affects the vertex. That's what rigging means.
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