Reintroduce Parry, Remove Chamber Block

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I don't like chamber blocking. It's true that it can be mastered to a degree, but people randomly swinging can still pull them off. If it's going to be a new tier on the combat cake it shouldn't curtail to random chance. I've always stated that Mount and Blade is the most real-skill based game I've personally played, and chamber blocking doesn't fit into that view.

What I would like to see is the parry back. The parry should have timing that is tricky like the chamber block's, but shouldn't follow up with an attack automatically. I don't think the parry system was left in long enough for it to be tested properly (if it was, please let me know what you thought about it). Parrying successfully would mitigate the stun you receive to keep you from being doomed in stunlock against an opponent with a heavy fast weapon (read: a way to combat 2h "spam"). Perfectly executing the parry, IIRC, was supposed to actually stun the attack briefly.

I propose that we give parrying another shot, because chamber block doesn't cut it.

Thanks for reading, any feedback is appreciated.

Also, please do not discuss the true definition of 'parry' for pages upon pages. Such semantics are silly and waste time.
Parrying (as it was in beta, at least) was weird,  since most people block at the last second anyway- every block turned into a parry.  it wasnt harder to do at all, it was just very slightly diferent.

Personally I love chamberblock, as it gives a very clear risk vs reward,  yet a player who has mastered it still isnt a killing machine-  since its easy to counter. (easier to counter than to pull off, in fact)
Luck is always involved, like bumping into another player screws you movement, both players attacking at the same time and 1 hitting first, or getting an arrow in the foot just the second his attack hits your block.
Can be rageful to die just of bad luck sometimes (but to be fair it evens itself out in the long run), but especially in the case of chamber you can always prevent the dead if you are fast enough.
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