Random crashing HELP!

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As you can tell from the heading my game randomly crashes in battle and I know Its got nothing to do with graphics or fallen ones because it mainly happens when I get attcked by cavarly so has it got something to do with the dust or?

Help much appreciated.
Maybe try and turn off particle effects?
I know that this happens to me also, but on a different mod, it seemed to help when i disabled the particle system.
Is it the rgl error? Because if it is, I fixed it by vastly decreasing the number of corpses and rag dolls, and I've only had 2 crashes since.
Zokbar said:
Is it the rgl error? Because if it is, I fixed it by vastly decreasing the number of corpses and rag dolls, and I've only had 2 crashes since.

Rag dolls are fun...in mu case lowering textures helped... :smile:
I have the same problem, i saw the box and it said something about the shadow, and that shadow something will be decreased next time i start the game.
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