Resolved Raiding makes influence negative

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Summary: As part of the main quest I managed to make my own kingdom. There is a bug that makes your influence negative when you attempt to raid neutral kingdoms village. Not only that, if you dismiss your army, you cannot command companions with parties to merge back into your army because you have negative influence. The influence cost for merging with them is marked as 0.

How to Reproduce:
  1. Make your own kingdom.
  2. Attempt to raid village of faction that is neutral to you.




Version: e1.0.6
Last edited:
I managed to circumvent that by killing villagers , atleast that worked for me or you could try to fight a noble in that faction .
I don’t think of this as bug but just a penalty for attacking a neutral whatever this is village or peasant or caravan.
PS I lose 300 influence



Version: 1.2.0 beta
So summary this penalty for dishonorable attack!
So if you want make war do it with lords or wait until they are unlock button "Declare War".
Hello, thanks for reporting this issue. Unfortunately, we were not able to respond to this topic when this topic first created.
We believe that this issue might have been fixed since the creation of this topic. If you are still experiencing this issue on the latest live or beta versions of the game at the moment please leave a reply to this topic so that we can forward this issue to the team for investigation.
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