Problems with joining matches

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Grandmaster Knight
I start the game all is fine, click multiplayer and choose my avatar. Join a server the welcome message comes up and then crash. I did what the Technical support told me to do. anyone know how to fix this?

(this is my first time playing this mod)
You might have the newest version of warband (1.143) while vikingr currently only supports version 1.134. They are working on it though :smile:
I am using the latest version of Warband and it works fine.

Anyway, let's go over the correct installation method.

- Ensure you have Vikingr 0.81 Full version
- Download Vikingr 0.83 Patch
- Extract to desktop and manually copy files.

The crashing would point to an incorrect method of applying the patch, I think. Double-check your Vikingr module folder and make sure that you have correctly applied the contents of the 0.83 patch. If you unzipped the folder directly to Vikingr, it may have placed everything in its own folder instead of applying over .81 content.

Any more problems, let us know. It is not the mod that is causing the crashing, it is the installation that has gone skew-whif somewhere.  :smile:
gaham1 said:
Okay so it(0.83) did just make its own folder inside the folder. so then how do i tell it to not make its own folder?

It is to do entirely with the folder depth of the .83 patch... Don't worry about it.

To remedy this, simply manually copy all .83 files into their corresponding Vikingr folders. Resource to Resource and so on, so forth.
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